1st January 2014

Resigning Snailschat Mod Position

Made by PenguinDSC in Introductions and Leaving

♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
1st January 2014, 10:08 AM

Hey Guys, I am here to tell you I am resigning from my Snailschat Moderator position.
1. Why are you leaving? A: I do not have enough time for Snailschat and I am not active there all the time, and it is not easy doing other things and trying to fit in Snailschat.

2. Why are you not active? A: Because I have other things to do sometimes like go places and sometimes I don't really have a lot of fun on snailschat anymore since it is now freely open.

3. What is the main reason you are resigning form your position? A: Well, because I do not have lots of fun anymore, And I cannot wait to be a beta tester.

4. Why is it not really fun anymore? A: Because with restricted hours, I could not WAIT to come to snailschat that day for 30 minutes-2 Hours. Also there are three games, and it well... gets a bit boring after a while of playing.

5. Will you be playing much anymore? A: No, probably once or twice every two or three weeks, just to come on and play with others. When Penguin Isles beta comes out, I will play all the time to find out if there are any bugs/glitches, and then after 5 days-2 weeks of beta testing, the Penguin Isles game will come out, and I will probably be a Moderator there, trying to Moderate and see if anything bad happens, and well, talk to friends, and play it like it were oldcp.

Well, this is all. Sorry if I am resigning from My Snailschat Moderator Position, I just had to due to the FAQ. Hope you are ok with it.
Dream On!

+1 by Moshi, Preston, CPManiac, Archie and 3 others

469 posts
Seen 15th January 2020
1st January 2014, 10:10 AM

I'm sad that you resigned but, at least you will still have an account even if you are no longer a mod on there.

Please sign support me and sign this! http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/carefordogs

An epic pic made by Lita:

584 posts
Seen 19th March 2021
1st January 2014, 10:28 AM

I really liked you as a mod on there yoshi I'm sorry to hear that.

590 posts
Seen 14th February 2014
1st January 2014, 10:48 AM

It was fun having you mod doe yoshi it's been great. But it's sad you resighn

3,203 posts
Seen 20th February 2020
1st January 2014, 10:58 AM

That's a shame. You were a very great Moderator! But, the Snails Chat time restrictions have been removed, and it is a great thing!

+1 by Mohamed, -1 by PenguinDSC

2,721 posts
Seen 14th March 2016
1st January 2014, 10:59 AM

This makes perfect sense, and I understand. If I had this position, I wouldn't have time either. Good luck testing!

Some friends
Raindrop, Tennis, Abu, Sadie, Toby, Chelsey, Hashir, Kara, Damen, Bailey
I am that prince which you probably know from the DSGHQ! I'm obsessed with Jaffa Cakes and Stags!

5,463 posts
Seen 11th January 2023
1st January 2014, 12:15 PM

Yes, I also understand you were a great mod on there! Well at least you have the chance to say you were a mod on snails chat :) ~Luke

2,178 posts
Seen 30th November 2021
1st January 2014, 01:09 PM

I Loved You As A mod Helping Everyone Out Sad To Hear It. ~Star~

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