2nd January 2014
The Pengobbit 2: Control Back
2nd January 2014, 04:34 PM
After the ruining of the Pengwarves kingdom and their escaping, they were looking for a pengobbit to spy on the daemons, They have chosen Pengo Baggins to be their pengobbit! Pengo Baggins was supposed to sneak back to their ruined city Pengonia The Great and open the secret entrance in the Kings lair for the pwarves to re-take control of Pengoina The Great, Pengo sneaked in and when he arrived at the Treasure room, Who was there? Demon The Great! Demon asked him why is he here, And then he read his mind and he knew Pengwarves are trying to come again, They kept chasing on the money hills. Until Pengo found the Diamond key that open the secret entrance door. He ran fast to the kings lair room but Demon blocked him fast, In 2 minutes the Pengwarve warriors came to help Pengo Baggins, They kept fighting and fighting, The leader of the Pengwarve warriors "Pengduil Penguintan" got Demon The Great's head with his sword, Suddenly Demon screamed loudly with a very scary sound and then he turned into a fire then all the Daemons including Demon The Great fled outside the kingdom back to their Burning Mines.
Sneval Oakienshield and Sophie Paurila turned back into pengwarves before anyone see them, Pengwarves took back the control of Pengonia The Great while Demon The Great became more huger, More stronger, More powerful than ever and prepared to make it the Final fight for the Pengwarves!
Writing: Asq5.
Correcting: SecretResearcher(This a none-corrected version of Part 2).
Logo: Sheepy.
Special Thanks: Sneval, Mrpatric, Sophie357, SecretResearcher and Sheepy.
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12th January 2014, 12:20 AM
Working on Part 3, Trying to make it more exciting! Thanks for replying and liking guys!