4th January 2014, 04:27 PM
Have anyone of you ever felt disrespected? Well it happens a lot. Just by saying or doing something disrespectful can make a big difference. The way you act influences other peoples act. If you were having a bad day, and you let it out on your friend, she would have a bad day too. Respect the choices that Damen makes/made. Respect the ten beta testers Damen choose. Sometimes, we might hurt peoples feelings depending on what we say. All actions have consequences. We may not nice we are disrespecting people, but it happens. Saying something funny might be hurtful to people. If you say someone has big feet (not that you should) they might fell hurt or even angry. Think about things before you talk (in this case type). If you post something about someone else, they might not like the post. I have seen a couple of posts about people hacking. Respect people. You should never judge people. Everyone deserves a second chance. That person might have changed. Please be careful on what you post online. Think before you say. Dream on as if life never ends -Dreamergirl
Between your dreams and your reality, there is no distance, there is no time. WAKE UP to your dreams. Live them as the reality they are