13th January 2014


Made by avax in Introductions and Leaving

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
13th January 2014, 04:34 PM

Hey everyone! Sadly, School is getting a lot harder. I have basketball practice all week! Then I have to do homework, and study a lot. So, what I am saying is I may be very inactive this month, except on the weekands and half/no school days. I am also getting braces, so I am not going to be active in Febuary, due to the pain. So, I will still be on, but for like 2-4 minutes a day. Thanks for reading, just please don't think I am quitting, so if I don't get back to you in mail or whatever, it is because I am doing something. Bye!


+1 by Notacoolman, Scott, x, May23 and 1 other
Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

1,433 posts
Seen 22nd October 2015
13th January 2014, 04:40 PM

goodbye! good luck with all of those things!

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
13th January 2014, 04:43 PM

Alrighty, thank you for telling us fare well good friend see you soon!

+1 by avax
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

62 posts
Seen 13th January 2014
13th January 2014, 04:59 PM

Lol I have to get Braces too I think before you. We had to go to 2 Docters to see if I did need to lol

*Signature was created/made by Sadie*

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
13th January 2014, 05:24 PM

Aw, see you soon! Also, since I have braces, a bit of advice:

The computer actually helps you forget the pain.
Eat Soft, cold foods like ice cream and smoothies.
Try to forget your teeth are even there.
Take pain medicine. (of course with parents permission.)
Good luck!

+1 by Notacoolman and avax

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
13th January 2014, 05:55 PM

Aw, see you soon! Also, since I have braces, a bit of advice:

The computer actually helps you forget the pain.

Eat Soft, cold foods like ice cream and smoothies.

Try to forget your teeth are even there.

Take pain medicine. (of course with parents permission.)

Good luck!
Thanks May. I am a bit scared, but thanks for the advice :)!

Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

5,478 posts
Seen 29th August 2023
13th January 2014, 05:57 PM

Hey! I have braces I din't read that part honestly they don't hurt when you eat soft food don't eat candy well hard candy's or things that get stuck in your teeth.

+1 by avax
Hi, I'm Scott.
[DSGHQ Veteran || Senior Captain || Master]

Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to message me.

1,004 posts
Seen 1st June 2023
13th January 2014, 06:01 PM

Hey! I have braces I didn't read that part honestly they don't hurt when you eat soft food don't eat candy well hard candy's or things that get stuck in your teeth.
Yeah, I hate to give up popcorn and soda...my two favorite things D:! Thankfully I only wear them for like a year in a half.

+1 by Scott
Sadie was here, 12/27/2018. I love you, have a lovely day. <3
Sadie was here, 1/4/2020. Happy New Year, my love. I'm so thankful I can spend another year with you. <3
Scott was here 3/21/2020. We did it! <3
Scott was here 1/5/2021. We made it through 2020! I’m so thank you spend another year with you. <3

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
13th January 2014, 06:07 PM

The longer you have braces, the crunchier things you can eat. I still drink soda, but I brush my teeth straight after. Same thing with popcorn. If it does not hurt, I will eat it, but brush my teeth right after. You can eat the caramel in milky ways, but not taffy or candy apples.
Its different for everyone. Might be super painful, might not, but it will hurt some.
For me its torture, I have a very small mouth, and they had to widen it.
I still drink soda and eat popcorn, but wait till you are like 3 or 4 months in, and brush your teeth RIGHT after. With popcorn, make sure it doesnt hurt and be extra careful. But I can understand if you don't eat it.

+1 by Scott

2,484 posts
Seen 30th July 2023
13th January 2014, 08:52 PM

NOOOO! BABY(ava) COME BACK!!!(good luck!)

+1 by avax

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