16th January 2014, 07:40 PM
I am not sure if this is the right category but otherwise. This is my theory to who is penguin head. Well it says he stole treasure. He is in the cave. As said in the cave there are very rare i think called moon shards which are worth a lot. So he wore an mask so no one would know his identity. And tried to collect moonshards. Is he a part of bh? I think he is since the snow blaster he had was from black hawks. Which you needed to be assassin to use. Well this is my theory please tell if any errors!
2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
16th January 2014, 07:43 PM
His name is Pyramid Head, and also, it says "The Blackhawk Harry committed this crime." Do they mean me or somebody else?
2,580 posts
Seen 11th November 2019
16th January 2014, 07:49 PM
Nooo, I mean it says "'Blackhakw Harry stole coins, this was solved by Duck." When they say Harry do they mean me?