19th January 2014

Bob Chat Theme

Made by Bob in Arts

1,167 posts
Seen 10th February 2021
19th January 2014, 02:04 PM

Hello everyone. I made a theme song for my new talk show, Bob Chat.

Bob Chat, come and watch it,
With Bob, and the staff,
We can interview you,
Put cool stories, YEAH.
Bob Chat is the only talk,
With a theme song like this, YEAH.
We have some friendly staff,
Nice admins, mods, YEAH.
Here lies the end here,
The end of the song, YEAH.
So come watch it all day,
We can interview you,
You can interview us, too. YEAH.

Well, there's the theme song. Sorry if it's kinda boring XD. NOTE: The Bob Chat times shall now change. Staff meetings shall be on Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5PM USA, 10PM UK. The shows will be on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9AM USA, 2PM UK.

I hope you enjoyed!

1,068 posts
Seen 21st March 2015
19th January 2014, 02:05 PM

The only thing i got tired of was saying YEAH. otherwise i like it.

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