6th October 2013

Resignation Of Team Gamers

Made by Toblerone in Introductions and Leaving

382 posts
Seen 22nd April 2014
6th October 2013, 02:33 PM

Hello Everyone, This is Sundaze the leader from Gamers! Well I decided to leave the gamers!

Because nobody would join and they were unorganized and they would fight each other and other teams!

Im sorry who the people from Gamers are seeing this but I made my mind To go to freehawks and they agreed for me to be a leader! Im happy I can now be with my more best friend Like Chucker321,stompnbob,and Cheetos with everyone else!

Well Bye Gamers!

Cya Everyone!

Awesome Banner By: iceesoda
The King Sundaze

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