24th January 2014
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Made by ForumHelper in Reports

1,856 posts
Seen 27th July 2015
24th January 2014, 01:58 AM

Help, Capitol has been bullying me so much! I cant stand it so is cute7546! Theyve been treating me like trash
So is Simon, his subtitle is bad and his cat name

+1 by Dice and Notacoolman
Hey Hey Hey! Whats shakin' bacon'?

2,325 posts
Seen 2nd November 2015
24th January 2014, 02:50 AM

I think that you need to understand, that this will always happen. It always has. Sometimes worse than others.
If someone is bullying you, get some proof and send it to a Moderator. It is that easy. They will deal with it all. All bullying is now a immediate ban, like before.
There is no need for oldcp to "move on."
It has been much worse.
These things happen. Like I said, sometimes worse than others.
So just get some proof and report it to a Mod, and it is done. Especially since I am going back to school soon, I wont be on as much. I am relying on the users to actually report cussings, and bullying to me or another Moderator so when we get on we can deal with it.

705 posts
Seen 20th April 2019
24th January 2014, 07:52 AM

I think that you need to understand, that this will always happen. It always has. Sometimes worse than others.

If someone is bullying you, get some proof and send it to a Moderator. It is that easy. They will deal with it all. All bullying is now a immediate ban, like before.

There is no need for oldcp to "move on."

It has been much worse.

These things happen. Like I said, sometimes worse than others.

So just get some proof and report it to a Mod, and it is done. Especially since I am going back to school soon, I wont be on as much. I am relying on the users to actually report cussings, and

bullying to me or another Moderator so when we get on we can deal with it.

Dont you remeber in one of Damen's post you don't need pics so has that changed?

King of Cringe
1,799 posts
Seen 23rd December 2018
24th January 2014, 08:41 AM

Screenshot that and send it to a mod so the mod knows that it is proof that you were being bullied. That is the proof May23 is talking about.

MY MOD APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/20226-/

MY DET APP:http://forums.damenspike.com/view/21056-/

Thank you, Sampopxxx101! :)

Knights Army! More info: http://forums.damenspike.com/KnightsArmy Thanks Away/Wisp for the signature! :D
Thanks Yoyo for le awesome comic! :D Thanks Sampopxxx for the signature! :D Thanks suzy for the boss signature! :D
Thanks Lloyd for dis sig! ;)
Behold the sig of 2015!! Thanks Foxeh!!

The Great
3,983 posts
Seen 10th September 2020
24th January 2014, 09:55 AM

Im sorry someone is bullying you. Send proof to a moderator so they can ban this bully.

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