25th January 2014

How To Receive Moderator

Made by Bailey in Help and Support

5,127 posts
Seen 31st August 2023
25th January 2014, 10:46 PM

I have recently been noticing that some new rookies are asking "How do I get Mod?" and "Can I have mod? Im nice and helpful" Yeah, umm, things don't work out that way on here, newbies. If you want to earn the rank of Moderator, then the first thing you should do is not ask for it. Asking for it lowers your chances of earning it. Also, you CANNOT earn Moderator in a day. It's impossible. Like real life, you have to WORK for what you want. So, that is why I am explaining how to earn Moderator to you!

First of all, you have to be active on the forum AND Old CP. Being active on both raises your chances of earning it. Being on one of them and not the other doesn't always help. This will show that you will be active on the forum AND Old CP when you earn your position. Secondly, you have to follow the rules for the forum AND Old CP. Rules include no cussing, cursing, or swearing, do not be inappropriate, do not bully (These rules are applied to both forum and Old CP). Rules that apply only to forum are do not spam or flood with posts, do not double post, don't make posts containing less than two words, do not make meaningless or pointless posts like "Okay." or "That's cool," Et. cetera. This will show that you DO follow the rules and that you WILL when you are a Moderator. In addition, help other users! Helping others is a great and supportive way to acquire Moderator! This will show that you can help others when they have questions or concerns on anything! Lastly, respect everyone, including staff. No one likes a bully, so treat others the way you would like to be treated! This will show that you respect everyone and will do so as a Moderator.

If you do not want to read this all..:

1) Be Active

2) Follow The Rules

3) Help Others

4) Respect Everyone

That is how you earn Moderator! Hey, this takes time. It may be months before you achieve the rank of Moderator, but that doesn't mean that you can't earn it, because you CAN! Thanks for reading!

- Chucker321

+1 by Scott, Sophie, , TerryDJ and 6 others

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