28th January 2014
Oldcp isnt working again
♪ ♫ ♪
2,958 posts
Seen 30th December 2020
28th January 2014, 05:59 PM
Please wait. Damen tries the best he can, and sometimes you can't rush him. I would like you to try yourself someday to do this like Damen, it is very hard. Please do not pressure him, Damen is only a 16-year-old boy. He is very smart, yet sometimes he is not on all the time to fix everyone's problems. He has many things that are making him busy. School, games, and friends & family. Damen is very busy. I would like you to know that Damen works really hard to keep his domains up for everyone's happiness, and it feels great when they are up, but he cannot work all the time. He has other things to do. I love Oldcp too, but I have heard this many times since I was on OldCp, and I know what it feels like. It is frustrating and you get impatient after a while. Thank you for informing us, it is just that Damen cannot put it up all the time, he can't always be on.
693 posts
Seen 26th November 2014
28th January 2014, 06:27 PM
Okay, I'd just put these on a mood now. Because you really shouldn't make a post about it. PenguinDSC is right though. And like I said you should put this on a mood because we don't want like 1,000 posts about OldCP being down again. And again PenguinDSC is right.