EmilyXo's moods

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15th August 2014
I CANT LOG IN! Anyone else having probelms!?!
15th August 2014
Where can I find out if I made the actor list for the Oldcp Comedy Show?
15th August 2014
I Worked so hard on that Penguin Watch App and nothin :P Its so Hard these days..
15th August 2014
Please Go Check out my Penguin Watch Application! - Emily
15th August 2014
Anyone kniow the show "The Next Step" im going to see them LIVE filming the show! :D
14th August 2014
Fully Updated my profile! :D
14th August 2014
I Havent talked to my Auntie Indigo in a while, Shes so Busy. I Miss her :(
14th August 2014
Okay So for those of you who thought me and Adawg were GETTING MARRIED. That is VERY FALSE! Adawg is my Guy Bestie, nothing more. I Have no plan to MARRY him. you people take it way too far!Lol
14th August 2014
Check This Out! http://i.imgur.com/Pz1XIK2.png Thanks To Terry :)
14th August 2014
A Boy was saying the A word, I Told him "Please do not say that word Sir, swearing is not allouwed in Oldcp, Thank you." He ran away continuing to swear. I stopped him again "Sir, Swearing is forbitted in Oldcp, you can get banned. Please Stop Now" then he didnt respond on dissapeared. The Funny thing is A Mod was in the room when he started and so was lots of penguins and Im the only one who talked to him. I Guess thats just one step closer to becoming Mod again, isnt it? Just trying my best to keep Oldcp Safe. - Emily
14th August 2014
stingx named a Cat after me. I Am Awesome (woop woop)
14th August 2014
All I Want is One more Chance to be Something.
13th August 2014
For all of you who commeted on my last Mood. OMG IM LAUGHING SO HARD RN! You guys are too sweet! Especially the one who asked me to if they could buy my face!!! Seriously tho you ppl are the sweetest! For those who said they are ugly, Every girl is beautiful ;)
13th August 2014
If youre wondering, My profile picture? Yup.. Thats Me..
13th August 2014
The dude was like "youre hot" and Im like "and youre creepy!"
13th August 2014
Theres a guy chasing me telling me he loves me, HELP!
12th August 2014
All of my family members, Meet me at pizza parlour.
12th August 2014
Its the Final Countdown! O.o
12th August 2014
Its kind of annoying finding out everyday that you have ANOTHER sibling :/ Like seriously I Love all my brothers and sisters but why does my father (Dice) have to adopt so many. :( I Used to be so happy about finding my family but nowadays I wish it could just be Me and Jesse again..
12th August 2014
Debating Bringing back Team Emily for next Mod Comp... Yes? No?