BelIa's moods

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12th September 2014
What do you guys think about my new About Me?
12th September 2014
I FINISHED MY ABOUT ME! YAY! Can I have your thoughts?
12th September 2014
I am going to re-do my About Me! So, if you look at my about me, and it cuts off, or stops somewhere it shouldn't, it's because I'm still working on it!
12th September 2014
I am going to re-do my About Me! So, if you look at my about me, and it cuts off, or stops somewhere it shouldn't, it's because I had to go eat dinner and I'll work on it later!
12th September 2014
Does anyone want an Anime signature like this? I can do girls too. They are 20 gold each. Reply if you want one. Sample:
12th September 2014
Wow! I have only 3 more posts to make, until I have the requirements for Master! Awesome!
11th September 2014
Everyone stop it. No more Isis talk. This is out of control. All this talk is doing, is scaring younger users, and those who get frightened easily.
11th September 2014
Can we start over guys? I don't want to be that creepy girl anymore, I want to be a new, better person to people, I'm gonna change my Forums name, (hopefully to Bella), and my profile, and signature. Can we all start over, please? Hi, I'm Bella
11th September 2014
Do you like my new profile picture?
11th September 2014
Should I change my profile picture? Just say yes or no, please.
10th September 2014
There is a bug, I mail to a certain person, it goes to a different person??
10th September 2014
Anyone wants a signature?
10th September 2014
I have about 11 more posts until Master!!
9th September 2014
I recommend PenguinDSC
9th September 2014
My reaction when my amazing friends only have 4 stars instead of 5: -FLIPS TABLE- THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!
9th September 2014
Which Name Glow is better in the Store? Nickname Color or Nickname Glow?
8th September 2014
Woah, Maggie! Thanks for the Gold!! Why did you give me so much???
8th September 2014
People getting bullied makes me sick. -_-