Kryptowolf's Posts

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145 posts
Posted in Understand a ban • 22nd February 2015, 10:41 PM

And what name does your daughter go by in-game?

145 posts
Posted in Improved OldCP Mod App • 22nd February 2015, 07:25 PM

What a great application! Good luck! I hope you get in :P

145 posts
Posted in Moderator App. ~CoffeeCow • 22nd February 2015, 05:18 PM

CoffeeCow's been here for awhile, right?

She'd be a good addition to the team with her knowledge. I wish you luck!

145 posts
Posted in Moderator App ~ Mckinlee • 22nd February 2015, 05:16 PM

Awesome job Mckinlee! You've gone far already, now it's time for more. :)
I wish you luck ;)

145 posts
Posted in Good Morning OldCP! #4 • 22nd February 2015, 02:43 PM

Awesome report man! Good job ;)

Can't wait for #5.

145 posts
Posted in Thank You Staff Act. • 21st February 2015, 08:36 PM

She just wants to thank them for the work that they do daily! Why not? That's an awesome idea Allie!

145 posts
Posted in Krypto is Right • 21st February 2015, 07:38 PM

Read this though. I don't think I'm right.

145 posts
Posted in OldCP Parties - Want YOUR Party? • 21st February 2015, 06:04 PM

Winter Fiesta: 2007 : December-January-February?


145 posts
Posted in Krypto Isn't Right • 20th February 2015, 10:38 PM

Last night and the night before, I've crossed lines that I really had no right to cross.

I think that the collective staff is doing a great job, in truth. I have no right to judge something that isn't mine. It's like walking into someone's house and demanding straight up that they repaint the walls and take down the horrid curtains in front of the bathroom.

It's not up to me to impede on a website that has truthfully grown ever since I've left. The roleplaying might be silly, but it's opened up a new genre for Club Penguin! There are so many interesting things to do. Everything was done so intricately, from the deaths to the new rooms. I don't think it's something that I can do.

Everyone has their own way of running a community and I suppose that I'm on an end that some people aren't. That's ok, who cares? Let me make this my final judgement. It's more against myself.

The DSGHQ is interesting. You have all of these games packed into an enormous community full of imaginative and creative people. Artists, musicians, knights and princesses can all come together and share their interest. And here I am being the killjoy. How wrong.

I think that the collective asset that's been created is a new step forward and I can't wait to see where Damen's kingdom goes next.

I'm formally sorry for any misconception and ill will. I've sent this same message in the forums and private conversations that aren't normally seen as a replacement to my irritating suggestions that have no right to be said where I don't run things. I'll back off and I'll stop impeding on the fun and worthwhile experiences created.

Just have fun. Be yourselves. All I have to say is that having a rank is hard to maintain. However, with just the right amount of faith and determination you can all succeed in making the HQ an amazing place to visit daily. I know that many of you have the potential.

I didn't, and that's why I'm not an active part of this community. Even then I tried to inject my opinion and it really just didn't help in making things "better."

I'm judging a bunch of kids here. Isn't that just wrong? Please don't respond with "oh it's alright" because it isn't. Just read it.

Think of all the good things here and don't let my little rant ruin the fun here. There was a reason for me leaving and it was because of myself and my naive tendencies and impulsive behavior.

And it clearly hasn't faded.

Royalty and subjects alike, please disregard my opinions. I'll be less of the burden and more of the solution. I enjoy the roleplay and I want it to continue. Please, don't stop it. I wasn't right. Maybe about the ranks, but not about taking away the fun that's rebuilt OldCP/DSGHQ.

Think about it, if OldCP wasn't as exciting, would anyone be willing to continue? The same users come on daily and it's awesome. Keep doing that. This place is bound for potential. Maybe you all could be the ones refining it and making it better with your creativity and ingenuity alike.

Sorry for the long essay here, but I felt obligated to take it back. I've discussed it with a lot of people and I feel like I've pushed buttons that didn't need to be at all.

Discussions ended.

145 posts
Posted in Krypto is Right • 19th February 2015, 10:06 PM

Sophia wrote on 19th February 2015 08:56 PM:
I became a wise one. I didn't care about the title and that stuff. I only wanted to be known for my wise words. I have a feeling this is why Ellie and sting quit mod.

They didn't "quit." They respectfully resigned for their own reasons. It had nothing to do with any materialism if that's what you're hinting at. Leave them out.
Chelsey wrote on 19th February 2015 04:37 PM:
I think the problem could be solved very easily if we just took away the name colors/wall walking and just put a badge on the playercard. Being a moderator wouldn't have its "popularity" appeal then. Of course, even some current moderators would throw a fit over that, but we're weeding out the ones who don't really want the rank and just want the appearance, right? It used to be like that before, anyway. I don't think it would be a big deal to remove two features from the game. People will get used to it. Then again -- not my decision at all. Probably won't even be seen way down here.

You're absolutely right! Moderators need to be left anonymous. It's as simple as removing the list under the game.