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623 posts
Posted in I would like to delete my account • 22nd December 2018, 01:26 AM

please help i dont want people to see my profile its bad

623 posts
Posted in I would like to delete my account • 22nd December 2018, 01:24 AM

For example of the cringey stuff:
-my profile pic (edit: its one of the options for a netflix profile pic hahah i just realized that but its still cringey)
-my "wisdom" posts (don't look at those)
-my moods where i spell pneumonia as ammonia (ok not gonna lie i was stupid at the time and that was a lil funny)
-my old bio where i had character traits about me listed in alphabetical order (i put "unmean" for the letter u)
-my moods where i draw "art" (its literally like dots inside of each other.)

623 posts
Posted in I would like to delete my account • 22nd December 2018, 01:19 AM

Hey uh if my account could be completely wiped from this website that would be fine. Idc if there's some record of it, just don't make it public, bc 2015 me was very cringey and I don't want to be reminded of that. I plan on creating a new one I just don't need to be reminded of all my posts and moods of 2015, so if someone could get back to me that would be very helpful. Thank you.

623 posts
Posted in My Wise Poem -Ixk • 27th July 2015, 10:49 PM

I made this before I got demoted from wise on here.

623 posts
Posted in My Wise Poem -Ixk • 27th July 2015, 04:48 PM

Black and White wrote on 27th July 2015 04:46 PM:
BlueIxk4osxi said on 27th July 2015 04:13 PM:
Okay, everyone, I have made this discussion to make my wise poem.
It was actually made by me, and since I haven't made a wise post in a while,
this one will fill in. This is my wise poem:
"Love is a beautiful thing,
it can be magical, yet also
love sometimes bends,
and even most stuff does, love never ends." -Ixk4osxi
I hoped you liked it!

Have u ever thought of writing poems and publishing them? U should u have a great talent in making poems.
Thank you!

623 posts
Posted in My Wise Poem -Ixk • 27th July 2015, 04:31 PM

Lloyd Tolkien wrote on 27th July 2015 04:23 PM:
BlueIxk4osxi said on 27th July 2015 04:13 PM:
Okay, everyone, I have made this discussion to make my wise poem.
It was actually made by me, and since I haven't made a wise post in a while,
this one will fill in. This is my wise poem:
"Love is a beautiful thing,
it can be magical, yet also
love sometimes bends,
and even most stuff does, love never ends." -Ixk4osxi
I hoped you liked it!

Nice poem! +1
Thank you!

623 posts
Posted in My Wise Poem -Ixk • 27th July 2015, 04:13 PM

Okay, everyone, I have made this discussion to make my wise poem.
It was actually made by me, and since I haven't made a wise post in a while,
this one will fill in. This is my wise poem:
"Love is a beautiful thing,
it can be magical, yet also
love sometimes bends,
and even most stuff does, love never ends." -Ixk4osxi
I hoped you liked it! :)

623 posts
Posted in Would You Rather #1 • 24th July 2015, 08:49 PM

Sir Twirls wrote on 24th July 2015 08:43 PM:
Hey! Twirls here and I have a game to play! It's called Would You rather! I will teach you how to play.

I will give you two questions. They will be just like dares you just won't do them in real life." You will have to choose one of them. I hope you enjoy!

1. Would you rather brush your teeth with bugs, or sleep on a bed of nails?

2. Would you rather have a pet dragon, or a pet dinosaur?

3. Would you rather would you rather sleep on a bed, or a cloud?

Good luck everyone!
1.) Bed of nails.
2.) Pet dragon.
3.) Cloud.

623 posts
Posted in The underground church • 24th July 2015, 08:40 PM

xxAlexaBlissxx wrote on 24th July 2015 07:13 PM:
Hi guys! Me and my friend vicaj2004 found the underground church. If you dont know where it is i will tell you where it is. First you go to the bookroom then you click on the candle on the left . Then you click the lamps on the right side of the room.(click on all of them). Then say /jr 810. You will end up at the cove. Then drag the waterbottle to the fire and go in. Then you will be at the abandoned pool.Go into the little cave on the left.And then the rock will open and if you go in you will be in the underground church!
, Alexa bliss
You don't have to click all the lights, just the highest light, and the light that isn't glowing.

623 posts
Posted in Moth Priest Comp Warning • 24th July 2015, 02:12 PM

Billy wrote on 24th July 2015 01:34 PM:
Hey guys so as you know we are going to be having a moth priest competition tomorrow on the 25th of July . Now if you didn't know if you checked the computers at /jr darkoffice the Blackhawks will be coming to the puffle alter to sacrifice the new busts. They also need a moth priest to read the scrolls. Me, Bob and Music believe they make attack the comp to steal the moth priest to read the scrolls. I believe we need to secure the room for any attacks. Yes they may not have guns now but word is going around that Matthewvacc can hack guns. So I believe we need a full lock down on the comp to make sure the moth priest is safe.

How do you get into jr darkoffice?

623 posts
Posted in Dice Talk- Underground Church Revealed • 23rd July 2015, 10:04 PM

MiaCatCuteFaceBackup wrote on 23rd July 2015 08:58 PM:
Okay I needz to know Where is Da way to da Temple!! I Know The Map But WHAT DA HECK DO I go threw Like The Pizza Place Click something idk I needz to know!!
We (as in everyone in oldcp) didn't find the way to the temple yet.

623 posts
Posted in Back To School • 23rd July 2015, 02:07 PM

Pencil wrote on 23rd July 2015 01:36 PM:
BlueIxk4osxi said on 23rd July 2015 01:31 PM:
Hey, everyone! So we all know that we're going back to school in August. Anyways, I hope everyone else is ready for school!
My clothes: check.
Shoes: check.
Intelligence: check.
Everything else: not yet.
#AlmostReady ( I made this because I was bored. )

I'm going back to school in September.
I go back to school in August. ( Too school for cool. B) )

623 posts
Posted in Back To School • 23rd July 2015, 01:31 PM

Hey, everyone! So we all know that we're going back to school in August. Anyways, I hope everyone else is ready for school!
My clothes: check.
Shoes: check.
Intelligence: check.
Everything else: not yet.
#AlmostReady ( I made this because I was bored. )

623 posts
Posted in The map • 18th July 2015, 11:06 PM

Sugar wrote on 18th July 2015 09:48 PM:
This picture symbolizes the cove and the hidden pool... or room?

This picture symbolizes the hidden room, With the 4 paths.

This picture represents the pyramid, One of the paths lead to the pyramid, Maby even all of them, Only we have to break thoughs rocks.
Nice! I like this post! +1!

623 posts
Posted in Mood Wars • 18th July 2015, 09:43 PM

Adawg wrote on 18th July 2015 09:32 PM:
Ok so everyone is fighting about wether we should have violence in oldcp. Fun Fact: this is the first time CrimeZone has been here since 2 months before oldcp shut down.

But hey let's stop fighting and instead (say it with me)