100 posts
Posted in Optical illusions • 2nd March 2015, 10:47 AM

Ugh,sorry guys.The pictures didn't work.:( Sorry,I tried to do a optical illusion,but it didn't show up.:'(

100 posts
Posted in Be kind • 1st March 2015, 10:48 PM

Rebecca wrote on 1st March 2015 10:46 PM:
Christina said on 1st March 2015 10:39 PM:
Have you ever done a act of kindness? Reply if you have.If you haven't,I think you should.Being kind to someone can actually change their day,maybe even their LIFE.

Being kind is an important thing.It can make someone feel better.If you see anyone having trouble,give them a hand. Let's change the society to be more kind.

Extraordinary discussion. The nicest thing I do is help out the homeless.

Yes,that is the #1 thing.:D

100 posts
Posted in Be kind • 1st March 2015, 10:39 PM

Have you ever done a act of kindness? Reply if you have.If you haven't,I think you should.Being kind to someone can actually change their day,maybe even their LIFE.

Being kind is an important thing.It can make someone feel better.If you see anyone having trouble,give them a hand.:) Let's change the society to be more kind.

100 posts
Posted in Signature Shop! - Alice • 1st March 2015, 10:09 PM

I would like that photo please,but can it say #CUTENESS

5 gold on your way!

100 posts
Posted in Things I hate • 1st March 2015, 10:05 PM

Yes!!! The curly line worked.XD

100 posts
Posted in Things I hate • 1st March 2015, 10:04 PM

These are some things I hate.
1) Cold feeling on my teeth
2) Icecream dripping on my hand
3) Getting loads of homework
4) When you dream getting a puppy then realize it was a dream

Those are the 4 things that I hate.
Btw,sorry for the short post,I'm in a hurry.I promise tomorrow I will make a longer post.

100 posts
Posted in Improved OldCP Mod App • 1st March 2015, 09:56 PM

Lita,you would make an amazing mod.You are very helpful,great grammar,and a kind girl.I give you the best of luck!

100 posts
Posted in What color is this dress? • 1st March 2015, 08:53 PM

I would say White and Light Brown.

100 posts
Posted in ALERT • 1st March 2015, 08:48 PM

Chex wrote on 1st March 2015 08:23 PM:

Tomorrow.. is Monday...

BUT.. Heres some tips to get through Mondays!

~ Make something good to eat at lunchtime. (fooooooood) <<<
~ Plan something to look forward too on Friday or the weekend!
~ Plan outfits and back packs the night before.
~ Plan a good breakfast in the morning
~ Get a good nights sleep! (NO VIDEO GAMES)
~ Don't drink coffee. Drink orange juice, and keep a water bottle filled with something all day


I hate Mondays so much.I would love them if it wasn't a school day.XD.I just hate waking up sooo early EVERY Monday morning for school.So stressful.

100 posts
Posted in homework • 1st March 2015, 08:43 PM

DNH12 wrote on 1st March 2015 08:35 PM:
doing homework it is really hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the question? Maybe I could help you.

100 posts
Posted in hi dsghq • 1st March 2015, 08:36 PM

Ellie wrote on 1st March 2015 07:19 PM:
Hi guys!!! how are you??

just dropping this off...... lol this is me saying hi to y'all

Hello,Ellie.<3 :)

100 posts
Posted in Read My Life • 1st March 2015, 06:23 PM

LoveMincraft wrote on 1st March 2015 03:19 PM:
Christina said on 1st March 2015 03:15 PM:
LoveMincraft said on 1st March 2015 03:09 PM:
Hello this is a Read my life a draw my life is to hard because I can't record me screen or record my voice...

Age 1: I was born I hard a nice family with 2 sisters and 0 brothers! I was chubby when I was born and was 7.8 pounds. I also played a lot!

Age 2: I will still young I learned how to walk when I was 2. I had 0 friends when I was 2 because I wasn't like anyone else in the street.

Age 3: I found out about video games. When I found video games I instantly because in love with them because I always loved the adventure and the sometimes creepyness in them. I played video games 24/7!!!

Age 4: I got a cat then and she was so cute! I also got scratched by her because she was gonna attack my puppy!! I also got a puppy named Lucky he was so cute! But he peed in his cage a lot! And had to go to the doctor a lot!

Age 5: Kinder Gaurden wasn't much fun... I had 0 friends. I also got pushed and my chin hit the slide causing it to break and never be healed... *feels bone irl feels crack in bone*

Age 6: I was a little mystery... I was quiet... and still had 0 friends!

Age 7: I found a friend we spent days with each other... Her name was Marissa, we had the best times together...

Age 8: Me and Marissa, where in the same class together for the second year! I got super happy! We had a fight and it lasted 30 seconds... It was also the longest fight we had!! NEW RECORD!!!

Age 10: I sorta lost my friendship with Marissa, We talk but not always. Me Danielle Myah and Zoe get in to fights and its the worstttt its like someone put a war bomb by us. They leave me then I know there talking about me because they look at me and they turn back quickly because they know I am noticing... Them staring me hurting also be crying because my depression comes from fights and oldcp isn't that safe for my depression but I get happier because I am with you guys!!

Thanks for reading Read My Life I will make more of these maybe even Read my month or something... If you guys want a Read my Week or Read my month or something just ask and I will make them!!

~A minecraft loving friend!

I know how it feels to get it fights with kids.It's so annoying to me how my friend always thinks she is right.Don't worry,you'll find a kind friend one day!

That 1 detail is I am very unsocial I can't give people eye contact not even my parents (GIVING EYE CONTACT IS TO HARD!!!)

I know,sometimes it's hard to give eye contect.XD

100 posts
Posted in Read My Life • 1st March 2015, 03:15 PM

LoveMincraft wrote on 1st March 2015 03:09 PM:
Hello this is a Read my life a draw my life is to hard because I can't record me screen or record my voice...

Age 1: I was born I hard a nice family with 2 sisters and 0 brothers! I was chubby when I was born and was 7.8 pounds. I also played a lot!

Age 2: I will still young I learned how to walk when I was 2. I had 0 friends when I was 2 because I wasn't like anyone else in the street.

Age 3: I found out about video games. When I found video games I instantly because in love with them because I always loved the adventure and the sometimes creepyness in them. I played video games 24/7!!!

Age 4: I got a cat then and she was so cute! I also got scratched by her because she was gonna attack my puppy!! I also got a puppy named Lucky he was so cute! But he peed in his cage a lot! And had to go to the doctor a lot!

Age 5: Kinder Gaurden wasn't much fun... I had 0 friends. I also got pushed and my chin hit the slide causing it to break and never be healed... *feels bone irl feels crack in bone*

Age 6: I was a little mystery... I was quiet... and still had 0 friends!

Age 7: I found a friend we spent days with each other... Her name was Marissa, we had the best times together...

Age 8: Me and Marissa, where in the same class together for the second year! I got super happy! We had a fight and it lasted 30 seconds... It was also the longest fight we had!! NEW RECORD!!!

Age 10: I sorta lost my friendship with Marissa, We talk but not always. Me Danielle Myah and Zoe get in to fights and its the worstttt its like someone put a war bomb by us. They leave me then I know there talking about me because they look at me and they turn back quickly because they know I am noticing... Them staring me hurting also be crying because my depression comes from fights and oldcp isn't that safe for my depression but I get happier because I am with you guys!!

Thanks for reading Read My Life I will make more of these maybe even Read my month or something... If you guys want a Read my Week or Read my month or something just ask and I will make them!!

~A minecraft loving friend!

I know how it feels to get it fights with kids.It's so annoying to me how my friend always thinks she is right.Don't worry,you'll find a kind friend one day!

100 posts
Posted in I am single for now on!! • 1st March 2015, 03:04 PM

Sled wrote on 1st March 2015 02:06 PM:


100 posts
Posted in Hate for zsed • 1st March 2015, 11:27 AM

Both of you,stop it.