Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Home • 22nd April 2015, 08:08 PM

Lemonade5 wrote on 2nd April 2015 09:08 PM:
Nice, But you just copied it from MetroLyrics.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Happy Birthday • 22nd April 2015, 08:06 PM

freindz wrote on 22nd April 2015 08:19 AM:
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!

Man April went by Fast! and its already my birthday

He is my cousin. Happy Birthday Cous! I am getting you a present soon. I hope you like it!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in CP Rumor To Be Closing Soon • 22nd April 2015, 08:04 PM

Swagical wrote on 21st April 2015 06:59 PM:
Hey Guys... Club Penguin is closing in 2018 due to much hating, disrespecting, death of bullied players with problems, our players have killed themselves due to people bullying them from online, NOT A RUMOR, my friend Giovirose before we became enemies, his sister died because she was getting bullied by him online and in real life, she is dead now, I think, she killed herself twice so... Club Penguin was such a wonderful game before Disney wanted to express their foolish ideas to the public, we all hated it once they bought CP, rip CP, we were smart to quit playing, our new catalogs are only, rare items we never liked, they ignored our comments even if they were appropriate, I hope to see another game shine in the light without much hating
Where did you get this information? I will email them to see if this is true. ;)

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in [NEW] Updated Moderator • 22nd April 2015, 08:02 PM

I asked for people not to comment, just to read that is why. ;) Now I changed my mind.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Updated Moderator • 22nd April 2015, 08:00 PM

Seascape wrote on 22nd April 2015 06:15 PM:
Good luck getting Moderator. Great application, but you should try to get Master first.
Lloyd wrote on 22nd April 2015 06:04 PM:
Shinusha said on 2nd April 2015 08:59 AM:
Red= Important (Rules)
Orange= About Me
Yellow= Basic Knowledge
Green= Why I Should Have the Rank
Blue= What Rank I want
Purple= Commands
Gold= Introduction
Maroon= Closing

Hi There! I am Shinusha. Welcome to my UPDATED Moderator Application. Enjoy

Old CP General Rules:
- Do Not Use Bad Language.
- Do Not Spam.
- Respect Everyone including staff members.
- Obey judgement of other staff members.
- Do not bully others.
- Do not try to trick the rules.
- Do not threat staff of members.
- Do not impersonate as DSGHQ criminals.

Hi Again! As I said I am Shinusha. I joined Old CP on May 24, 2014. I joined forums on March 5, 2015. I love Old CP. I play it on most of my free time. I love Shrimp and Sushi. I have a few best friends. ~Damen~Tennis~Archie~Terry91~OoBubblesoO~Mckinlee~Sampopxxx101~Fable~SirEaun~Heyitsrae~Hashir~Angi~Raindrop~GUGU~

There is 1 Emperor (Damen), There is 1 Emperor Helper (Chelsey), There are 2 Princes (Tennis, and Archie), There are 3 Princesses (GUGU, DanceBear and Raindrop), There is one Empress (Iceesofie), There are 2 Administrators (Hashir, and Roberto), There are 15 Moderators (OoBubblesoO, Terry91, May23, DSC, Toby, Screenhog, Luke, Little, Jacobg627, Angi, saber574, Deenie, Maniac, Mckinlee, Sled.) 2 Hand Guards/Moderators (SirBp28, and Screenhog)

I should have this rank, because I have a lot of experience, I help the other Moderators, Administrators etc., I love to help others. I have good grammar (Well, I am 15 so basically the grammar of a 15 year old. For Me Surprisingly Good.) I am professional, nice and easy going. I also read the Moderator Rules, and Guide.

I am applying for Moderator.

Moderator Commands:
- /warn (username)
- /kick (username)
- /ban (username)
- /ipban (username)
- /summon (username)
- /sendto (username) (e.g. office, 100)

Well, that's my application. Hope you guy's like it. I worked really hard on it. I did not copy and paste anything.

Nice application, g'luck!
Seascape wrote on 22nd April 2015 06:15 PM:
Good luck getting Moderator. Great application, but you should try to get Master first.

Thank You All. I will try Seascape. I can get the 500 posts bunt I am not sure for 300 rep. I will promise to try. :)

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in [NEW] Updated Moderator • 22nd April 2015, 05:36 PM

Attension All Members of DSGHQ Forums:

I have changed my mind. You can now comment on my Updated Moderator Application. :)

Have a Nice Day!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Theme Week • 22nd April 2015, 05:30 PM

Lloyd wrote on 17th April 2015 07:52 PM:
Tennis said on 17th April 2015 07:46 PM:
OldCP Theme Week

Hey guys. At the royal council meeting we discussed doing something fun that everyone can participate in and we came up with Theme Week.

Each day next week (starting Monday April 20th) there will be a theme. Your job is to make an outfit that matches the theme. Take your time when making your outfit because there might be prizes for really good outfits.

Monday April 20th - Animal
Tuesday April 21st - Prep
Wednesday April 22nd - Crazy
Thursday April 23rd - Medieval
Friday April 24th - Pajama
Saturday April 25th - Superhero
Sunday April 26th - Water/Beach

Can't wait to see what outfits you all come up with!

* Thanks to Little for coming up with the idea.

Nice idea! I'll do my best about my outfits!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Make it Pop • 21st April 2015, 09:08 PM


Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Short Post Reminder • 19th April 2015, 05:52 PM

CPManiac wrote on 19th April 2015 04:43 PM:
Hey there! Just a reminder, short posts are allowed. I have been seeing many people everyday saying something along the lines of, "Sorry for the short post". The thing is that there isn't really such a thing as a short post. (except for the photo below of rules about the topic) Here is the disucssion Damen created over a year ago saying that they are allowed: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/?id=9229

The only thing not allowed is shown here in the rules:

I created this post because even after Damen's discussion was created, people are still saying that they apologize for a short post. As long as it doesn't break the rules above, anything is fine. Thank you for reading, please take this under consideration for those of you who still think short posts will get you in trouble. Bye!


Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Member Application • 19th April 2015, 08:43 AM

Lemonade5 wrote on 18th April 2015 10:04 PM:
Oh my, you didn't have to apply for this! Haha, it's okay though. You apply for anything else, but not Member. Well that's okay, you'll be Member in no time. Nice application though.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Mods need to step up • 18th April 2015, 09:03 AM

88Drake88 wrote on 18th April 2015 07:59 AM:
I agree the oldcp mods suck at there job

Okay, First of all, That is incorrect, they do the best they can! They are amazing at their job!

Jacobg627 wrote on 18th April 2015 07:51 AM:
I strongly disagree. We sacrifice our time to moderate for you. Absolutely no need to be critical. Also, almost none of these bullying cases are serious. They can settle it among themselves. I like users to settle problems among themselves. It's a more sophisticated way of solving problems.

I believe Iceesofie made a post saying to stop on the hate on mods, did she not? This is the same thing with a different topic. So, if you could, respect staff members please.
Bp28 wrote on 18th April 2015 07:38 AM:
Ok first of all, when you say the LACK of bullying, that means that there hasn't been any. I know you mean that there's been a lot of bullying so I'll address it: Staff try to come online as much as they can and moderate as much as they can. I almost never see bullying go unpunished and if you do see bullying and no mods are on, you need to do your part as well and get proof and PM it to a mod. We do watch out for bullying, we always do. Mods aren't perfect, don't act like they should be. We aren't losing users, we have actually seen a pretty big increase of users in the last month.
Master Jakey wrote on 18th April 2015 07:39 AM:
What are you in real life? A HUMAN.
Do humans sort out problems 24/7? 365 and onwards??

Humans have fun in their life, they don't sit there staring at a screen until they die.
You can't yell at them because they're never on for a day or hour, they are busy in real life.

Face this fact, you cannot fight back to it. If anything bad happens, mail someone here a picture of the rule-breaking.

I quoted all of these, because I was going to say the same thing. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is a hate discussion, the rules are, Do not make hate discussions. If this is, be careful next time.

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in LEGO Empire Pictures • 14th April 2015, 01:36 PM

Sadie wrote on 2nd April 2015 05:55 PM:
Yeah I clicked the spoilers and let me just say it looks simply extraordinary. I wish you the best of luck as you design such a complicated game. This will be so cool to see come to life!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Question • 3rd April 2015, 05:03 PM

How do you lock a discussion? Please Help!

Old Wise Council Member
114 posts
Posted in Fake Rank :) • 3rd April 2015, 04:53 PM

XAlisonX wrote on 3rd April 2015 04:51 PM:
That's the PW colors so he's a mod of the PW.