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26 posts
Posted in Re-Posts? • 25th April 2015, 06:56 PM

Lolz thanks for containing the hashtag! XD Also, thanks for giving me this information! :3 ~PokeWillow I mean #PokeWillow XD Jk :P

26 posts
Posted in Peace Disappeared? • 25th April 2015, 06:50 PM

I agree. But sadly, no matter how hard we try: drama will NEVER stop! It's very sad to admit... I agree with you and many people and the new mods: ollo and Rae :) and other mods and admins etc. :3 will do what they can! :) :D :3 ~PokeWillow

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! <3 (Can't Say More I'm Literally Waiting For The "Best" Sister To Be Ready XD)

26 posts
Posted in To Bailey • 25th April 2015, 06:36 PM

Why do people usually name it "To Bailey"? Why Bailey? Is he in charge of it??? It confuses me! XD ~PokeWillow !

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! <3 (Can't Type Anymore Because I Need To Go Somewhere!) <3

26 posts
Posted in Re-Posts? • 25th April 2015, 06:33 PM

Sometimes, when I post something it just gets duplicated! It's really starting to get #annoying. :P BTW, Like the hashtag? (Don't Worry I Won't Do It Again, For Your Sake's And Mine XD) ~PokeWillow

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! <3 (I Can't Say Anymore Because I Need To Go!)

26 posts
Posted in Faces • 25th April 2015, 06:29 PM

Maybe the smiley faces think it's opposite day! ~PokeWillow (I'm SO "Smart" I Know XD) (I'm Not Really Smart :3)

26 posts
Posted in Moderator Application - Kara • 25th April 2015, 06:26 PM

1.Amazing mod application! Me and MANY others wish you the best of luck! :).

2.I never knew you can APPLY for mod, I always thought you could only get it during mod completions. XD. Now I feel stupid XD. (I am so I mean XD) ~PokeWillow

I Love You All, SERIOUSLY! <3 Wish Kara Good-Luck! ;) Feel Free To Tell Me If You Need/Feel Anything You Want To Talk About! :3 And I Just Started Sharing A Forums With My Cousins + Friends! Wish Us Luck XD Were All Crazy! DEAL WITH IT XD :P We Love Y'all! :)

26 posts
Posted in [New] Royal Knight Training Academy • 25th April 2015, 06:08 PM

Hashir wrote on 23rd March 2015 05:54 PM:
Good, but the gold prices are quite large
I agree with you on this 100%!

26 posts
Posted in Congrats! • 25th April 2015, 06:05 PM

Yeah, they are going to be amazing mods! It's still upsetting Ollo isn't knight though, but I'd rather him be mod then knight because he's TRUELY deserving of mod. ~PokeWillow

<3 You Ollo <3 You Rae! And Everyone Else!!!

26 posts
Posted in Confused • 24th April 2015, 04:45 PM

Thank you for telling me this! It was very helpful! (By the way heygirl123 I loved that image XD) Thanks everyone! ~PokeWillow!

26 posts
Posted in fear of death • 24th April 2015, 04:42 PM

Particularly, it doesn't scare me. Yeah, reason being is because I have bigger issues. Another HUGE reason is because my friends! I have fun with my friend I know in real life, so it takes my mind set FAR from dying. Finally, I have things to look forward to. I always remind myself "No, somebody would stop this from happening." And to be COMPLETLY honest, it works. (For me.) I feel people should just do something fun or something to just get your mind off of any topic your worried/scared (or any other feelings) about. That's just how I personally look at things, but people think differently! ~PokeWillow & Friends!

I Love You All, Seriously <3 You Mean The World To Someone :) And Remember FEAR is your ONLY enemy. ;) I Love You All! :-)

26 posts
Posted in Confused • 24th April 2015, 04:20 PM

As some people may know I'm new to OldCP. (Yay Me, Not Really XD) But what does it mean when someone gets "killed" on OldCP? It's been confusing me. I'm sorry if this is under the wrong category I just didn't know what to put it under. XD ~PokeWillow :3

I Love You All, Seriously <3 Stay Calm, Cool And Collected Because... IT'S A TRIPLE TREAT!!! :P But Stay Awesome! :D And I Love You All! Cya Soon!

(By the way I didn't just ask a mod because I couldn't log on to OldCP!)

26 posts
Posted in Choco-Lita Milkshake • 24th April 2015, 03:48 PM

I don't mean to bum you out but it's been invented already. :(! Sorry if I bum you out! ~PokeWillow :3 <3 I Love You All, Seriously.

26 posts
Posted in Congrats Coffee! • 23rd April 2015, 11:57 PM

Spiral wrote on 23rd April 2015 08:34 PM:

I'd like to congratulate Coffee for Knight.

I hope you are successful with it coffee

And do your duties.

I miss the time I was on cp with you with our gold armor.

Maybe you got a new suit..

But congrats for knight,

Some do maybe I will achieve it.
Congrats Love Ya <3 Good Luck In The Future! ~PokeWillow :)

26 posts
Posted in Friends Fighting • 23rd April 2015, 11:43 PM

Eridan wrote on 23rd April 2015 11:40 PM:
PokeWillow said on 23rd April 2015 11:23 PM:
Eridan said on 23rd April 2015 11:12 PM:
PokeWillow said on 23rd April 2015 11:04 PM:
Cristal412 said on 23rd April 2015 10:41 PM:
EMMA120 YOU KNOW COOPER AND HER FRIENDS HURT ALLIE TOO. ALLIE IS HURT. I was there and yo guys were following allie. >:l You hurt allies feelings and now she wants to quit. You and coopers friends should say sorry to her because the real person thats hurt is Allie >:l

Everyone calm down! A staff member (no name will be said) said we CAN post what we think is right! (and our opinion is always right to us) I agree a staff member should lock this, but Cristal that was flat out RUDE the way you said that! (My personal opinion it's MINE not anyone else's!) To be COMPLETELY honest I think people re siding with xAllie PARTLY because her rank. Now I know people are going to say "Oh my goodness! Why does she think everything is about ranks!" And things like that, but when you put it in perspective it makes sense. If someone wants a rank and your friends with someone who's rank your more likely to get that rank. This is most defiantly going to cause drama but ya know, IT'S MY OPINION!!!! So everyone needs to deal with the fact people are going to fight over things! IT'S JUST THE HUMAN WAY! ~PokeWillow

I Love You All Seriously Be Nice To Be People! Save The Drama And Don't Re-post For Everyone's Sake! I Love You All!

but shoving drama in posts which can easily be put into a mood or private messaged on xat to a mod is right? i totally understand what you mean!

that shows how much you people focus on ranks. i'm sticking up allie because she's a really sweet girl who cares for a lot of people. i was friends with her before her rank. anyway, she's just a news reporter and not anything else. i can also tell by the way you and most of your other friends are typing that you guys want ranks too, lol. you really shouldn't say something about somebody else that's actually true about you because it makes you look like a hypocrite. people with ranks are still human beings behind a computer screen, just saying

"When you put it in perspective, it makes sense." lol okay i gotcha

i saw most of the anger coming from cooper's side. i told cooper to give allie some space and she said "no thx"
she also told me to virtually shut up lol...


this post should also be locked. allie is legitimately hurt and this is starting unneeded mess.

And she clearly didn't say any of those things to Cooper... (note sarcasm)

if she did, she was defending herself. i understand cooper's anger but she was taking the argument way too far out of proportion. allie had a reason to be irritated due to the fact that cooper basically pulled this huge war out of a bag, completely out of the blue. you all were basically just pinning it onto her because she has a rank and i think that was a jerk move since she can't control the fact she earned that rank due to her skill in writing articles about events. it's also funny, skyler, that you made an entirely different account claiming you were someone else

did you know moderators can check your IP to see if you, "pokewillow", and "skyler" are the same person? it's also kind of funny that she appeared just now and she wasn't even in the drama earlier, lol...

way to start a battle over nothing, lmao
I didn't mean to start a "battle" I was sharing my thoughts... And the Skyler MADE PokeWillow for me... Please don't bring that up because you don't know how my cousin SkylersHere made my account for my birthday. Don't change the subject ok? I know I sound very rude but I don't want to fight anymore so if you don't want to either just doin't respond anymore. For EVERYONE'S sake. ~PokeWillow I Love You All <3 :) ;)

26 posts
Posted in Friends Fighting • 23rd April 2015, 11:37 PM

Cristal412 wrote on 23rd April 2015 11:26 PM:
Oh sweetie (i'm saying cause i'm mad) My post was not an opinion it is a lecture. And lectures aren't opinions. Your opinion is mean and mean posts are not aloud. And out of all that you read you only saw an opinion wow... You have not learned nothing the moral of this post is BE NICE AND LEAVE ALLIE ALONE. ALSO MY OTHER POST WAS A LECTURE >:l TOWARDS YOU AND COOPER AND THOSE OTHER PEOPLE THAT WERE BEING MEAN!
1. I don't know either Allie or Cooper. So I form my opinion (or what you think is a lecture.) Based off of your rudeness and Cooper's friends rudeness. Yes this is true. I don't what you think about my opinion you aren't my friend, your like my shadow. (using this as a example it might get weird XD) I'm not scared of a shadow, the shadow is scared. That shadow has something hidden they won't tell. I want to ask you WHAT'S your shadow? PEACE XD (never doing THAT again XD) ~PokeWillow I Love You All! :) ;)