sameerah70's Posts

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108 posts
Posted in Game of Mods - Summer 2015 • 7th July 2015, 11:51 AM

Woop woop cant wait!
Havent played in a long time so yea

108 posts
Posted in my signtures • 6th January 2015, 08:26 PM

hey guys hope u had a great new years eve!
so today i wanna show u guys some really awesome signatures and id be suuuuper happy to make u guys 1 too! hope u guys loved them

108 posts
Posted in animated gif sites • 3rd January 2015, 07:53 PM

so i know 2 cool websites with cool animation quotes one is
and the other one is they both have all kinds of cool animations hope you enjoy!

108 posts
Posted in Snaildom/OldCP Fan Art • 1st January 2015, 03:08 PM

heres mine its not that awesome : - /

108 posts
Posted in Juicy Fashion • 23rd December 2014, 09:06 PM

pretty clothes i really love the skirts!

108 posts
Posted in Christmas Card Project! • 20th December 2014, 06:37 PM

i like eos lip balms, iggy azalea, and mylifeasava

108 posts
Posted in OldCP 8 Update: Igloo Furniture • 12th March 2014, 04:36 PM

wow damen i like the new update great choose ITS AMAZING

108 posts
Posted in 9 hackers. • 17th February 2014, 03:26 PM

dice was also hacked and banned (i belive) or maybe dice is back on but stay away from icybernet he can hack i think (i hope he doesnt see my post) ok why am i so scared! anyways some new people who join might be hackers i want everyone to be safe

108 posts
Posted in oldcp connection • 6th February 2014, 06:30 PM

whenever i log onto oldcp it loads perfect but one problem the jrs and the town whenever i load to the town it stays on the number and never quickly loads also the same thing happens with the jr i really need help of your a mod or admin or someone who can help me with this problem please help me i am sad (tear) btw theres a smear on my computer and it kinda looks like a smiley lego ninja

108 posts
Posted in My Application to be Mod • 5th February 2014, 06:42 PM

u need prestige to be a mod or like u have to be 104 idk but u have to have a big score to be a mod but good reasons though u can save them when u get prestige or like 104 or a good score sorry is this was harsh

108 posts
Posted in Archie's Admin Application. • 5th February 2014, 05:13 PM

Archie id think u will make a EXELLENT ADMIN u are SUPER NICE the application is great

108 posts
Posted in Greasy Bridge Chapter 1 (continued) • 5th February 2014, 09:34 AM

while Brayden sat down on his bed he was sad. His mom came in with pancakes and orange juice and said why sad? Brayden gulped and said i will never get to see my friends he bursted into tears. His mom patted his back and said u will u can see them tommorow. Brayden saw a brownish thing on his bed and said mom whats that? No idea said his mom. It was crawling out and it was A SPIDER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SPIDER HELP HELP! FBI POLICE HELP HELP AAAAA ITS GONNA EAT ME AAAA. His mom did a giggle and said its just a spider then she sprayed got the ant spray and sprayed it on the bed tonight i will change your bed sheet. Out the window there was the GANG and they were laughing HAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THAT BOY SCARED OF SPIDERS HAHAHAHAHAH RUN TO MOMMY KISS HER HAHAHA

108 posts
Posted in Greasy Bridge Chapter 1 • 3rd February 2014, 12:14 PM

[color=7401DF Brayden sat down on his bed sad. he did a sigh and said this is my worst day i will never ever see my friends. Braydens mom came in with some pancakes and orange juice and said Brayden honey why sad? He did a gulp and said i cannot get to see my friends he looked away to cry. He cried but he saw something brownish on the bed and said mom whats that? His mom said no idea it was crawling out and out THEN IT WAS A SPIDER! SPIDER SPIDER AAAAAAA CALL 911 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ITS SCARY ITS BROWN ITS GONNA EAT ME AAAAAA HELP FBI POLICE! His mom did a giggle and said its just a spider. Pass me the insects spray she got and sprayed it all over the ant.At night i will change your bed sheet right now eat your breakfist. Brayden got scared it was his 27th time seeing another spider he packed his things and ran scared..][/color] TO BE CONTINUED

108 posts
Posted in Greasy Bridge Chapter 1 • 3rd February 2014, 12:14 PM

[color=7401DF Brayden sat down on his bed sad. he did a sigh and said this is my worst day i will never ever see my friends. Braydens mom came in with some pancakes and orange juice and said Brayden honey why sad? He did a gulp and said i cannot get to see my friends he looked away to cry. He cried but he saw something brownish on the bed and said mom whats that? His mom said no idea it was crawling out and out THEN IT WAS A SPIDER! SPIDER SPIDER AAAAAAA CALL 911 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ITS SCARY ITS BROWN ITS GONNA EAT ME AAAAAA HELP FBI POLICE! His mom did a giggle and said its just a spider. Pass me the insects spray she got and sprayed it all over the ant.At night i will change your bed sheet right now eat your breakfist. Brayden got scared it was his 27th time seeing another spider he packed his things and ran scared..][/color] TO BE CONTINUED

108 posts
Posted in Greasy Bridge Chapter 1 • 2nd February 2014, 07:42 AM

yes i did why? are u worried if u are its ok