Violet22's Posts
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I saw Herobrine!
27th May 2015, 05:04 PM
Hey.... Stay calm and quickly get out of that world and delete it. If it's your favorite world, you can... let herobrine put lava traps in you favorite world if you wanna keep the world. If you don't want that, here are the rules. 1: If you love your world but herobrine came, keep the world and let lava into your world as your pet wolfs and kitty's will die in pain! 2: If you don't want number 1, delete your favorite world and build a new one! 3: Do not freak out and scream till you loose your voice if you see herobrine Just stay calm and move away! 4: Make sure you don't look straitly into herobrines eyes because something bad could happen! No harm on these rules! Violet22
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All About chu!
26th May 2015, 10:47 PM
Hi Emma! oh my gosh! YOU LOOK SO PRETTY! Can you actually tell how to take a pic? Violet22