53 posts
Posted in Hi • 12th July 2015, 09:42 PM

Welcome to oldcp, hope you have fun here!
Read the tutorial:
That will help you learn about the DSGHQ some more.
Have fun on oldcp!! :)

53 posts
Posted in Re: Apology :( • 12th July 2015, 09:37 PM

Sorry this happened Dice, hope you get unbanned.
Everyone makes mistakes though.

53 posts
Posted in Everyone wins?... • 8th July 2015, 11:55 PM

Awesome news report, it's funny XD +1

53 posts
Posted in Wise quotes • 8th July 2015, 11:49 PM

When I saw the title wise quotes I knew it was by you. :3

53 posts
Posted in Old Snaildom Video • 8th July 2015, 11:48 PM

Nice video :D

53 posts
Posted in Appeal • 8th July 2015, 11:41 PM

Hopefully you get unbanned. :)

53 posts
Posted in Story -Mia • 8th July 2015, 11:37 PM

I didn't get it too well, but this still is an awesome story! :D

53 posts
Posted in Knight App • 8th July 2015, 11:30 PM

You need to be member, and this should probably be in the category applications.

53 posts
Posted in Detective Application- Sugar • 8th July 2015, 11:27 PM

Sugar wrote on 6th July 2015 11:05 PM:
Why, Hello there! My name is Sugar, Thats future Detective Sugar for you! I hope you enjoy my application for detective, Though, I'm not sure if its applicable, But lets hope so.


Name:Jasmine (most people call me Sugar)
Age:I rather keep that secretive, In-between grade 5-8
Account user: xSugerbearx (i'm aware my user is spelt wrong)
Forums User: xSugerbearx (Changed to Sugar)


On oldcp, There has still to be some mysteries to be solved. There has been lots of squidward drama going on, That of course me and my partner Cristal412 (who is also my sister irl) Have been discussing, We discuss what we found out, And our theories when we have freetime. There are users trying to find out who may be squidward, But has anyone found out? That's why i'm applying for detective! Me and Cristal412 theories are deffinitly something people didint offer to think about.

Why do you want to be a detective?

Isint that obivous? Cause its fab ! Just kidding, I want to be a detective because when I was younger, I would watch scooby doo, Or movies like the spy next door, And i would always want to be a spy, I would play games with my older sister. Now I have an opportunity to spend my time on oldcp as an detective! But now that im older, I watch shows such as Law and order SVU (Special Victims unit) And Law and Order: Criminal Intent. They take there job very seriously, If this application is familiar with someone else's application, Its my sisters, We watch TV together, And we literally fight over who's aloud to be a detective. We have been doing the squidward case together, We have run into other detectives, Who were quite vicious...We also do have a squidward theories channel/chat! (Credit to Cristal412 for going through troubles to make the chat without tellling me) But, I do enjoy working with Cristal412 I will take detective work very seriously.

What will you do for this job?

I will not miss-use this rank, And act like im more powerful then other users. I will be cautious during cases that have something todo with weapons. I will not leave another detective behind. I will be sure to discuss theories with other detectives. I will take this rank seriously.

What are your experiences?

I have done a few interviews with my partner cristal412, She has done some interviews alone, If you would like proof, Check out Cristal412's application, She has included some of our interviews, I have tried to find my friends missing wallet before, We have had a few squidward theory meetings with thoughs subscribed to the squidward theories channel, If your reading subscribe now!

What is the definition of "detective" to you?

A detective gets there job done. Doesnt over think there theories. Someone who takes crimes seriously, And follows laws. Someone who wouldent treat being a detective like a rotten apple. Someone who knows there limits, And isint afraid to get there hands dirty. Someone who knows what there scared of, And how to handle it. This may be virtual, But this is still a crime that your handling.

In conclusion, My fabulous application has ended! I hope you enjoy, If there were any errors or something I could add, Please comment down below. I hope you enjoyed my application, It was quite long, I take applications seriously. Thank you for reading! If you would like a doughnut click the like button

Sugar I think you would be a great detective!! Awesome application!! :3

53 posts
Posted in New Moderator : Jacobg627 • 5th July 2015, 01:50 PM

Great job Jacob! You will be a great mod and you really deserve the rank :D

53 posts
Posted in Gold of House Drake • 3rd July 2015, 01:01 PM

I'll try to attend! This sounds fun!

53 posts
Posted in Kicked,And Banned Ideas • 2nd July 2015, 11:53 PM

This should be in suggestions because banned is if you get banned, or someone gets banned.

53 posts
Posted in Mia's Fashion Show • 2nd July 2015, 11:48 PM

Oh sorry I didn't see this post till July 2nd...

53 posts
Posted in DeathGun • 1st July 2015, 08:33 PM

This post has no point...

53 posts
Posted in WHAT IS SNAILDOM • 29th June 2015, 12:04 PM

Its like oldcp, except snails and there are quests and games and other things. :3