The Alice's Posts

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32 posts
Posted in I'm sorry • 21st June 2015, 01:12 PM

Lux wrote on 21st June 2015 01:09 PM:
I am sorry for all I done. It's not a big issue. But sometimes I might of done the wrong thing, I might of messed up & made mistakes. Said thighs I really didn't mean to. This is a very short post on why.

When I first joined I was 9. Now I'm 11. And I tried my hardest to get a rank but I realize I'm trying too hard. That won't make me get it, sorry 2 bother.
I made post about moderators I didn't mean to do, I was still young & didn't know.

I said rude things to users such as "your outfit is ugly" etc.

I'm so sorry if I ever offended you. I'm sorry Alice, I'm sorry Alexa, I'm sorry chex, I'm sorry everyone.

It was very surprising while I was looking for my old moderator application, i found these things.

Its okay, even though you didn't do anything to me, i forgive you.

32 posts
Posted in I'm Your Friend • 21st June 2015, 11:44 AM

The Maestro wrote on 21st June 2015 07:32 AM:
Even if I died You will be my Friends

Roberto is who I will kill online who wants to withness me killing him?

If You think I should do it Comment below and give this post a like if not don't comment or dislike just like it

o.o I wanted to click quote but i clicked like. I agree with FieryRebecca, " I'm thankful for the positive things he does and you shouldn't kill him." Thats my opinion.

32 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application -Allie • 21st June 2015, 11:36 AM

Aine wrote on 20th June 2015 10:08 PM:

Greetings, users and staff of the DSGHQ Empire. Today I am presenting you with my Imperial Knight Application. I have strong determination to protect this community; my home. The DSGHQ is not just a site, it is a family. This Empire is my home and I need it to be safe. I will not see my home be harmed. My name is Aine, but my username is xAlliex on Oldcp and DSGHQ Forums. I am 11 years old, going onto seventh grade. I live in California, and my timezone is PST. I have been on the DSGHQ Empire since January 13th, 2015. My kik is xAlliexOldcp.


I have been involved in this community since January 13th, 2015. With over 1,770 posts and over 1,800 reputation, I am highly dedicated to this community. I am a current News Reporter with a passion to create this community an even safer and happier place. I have been trained for Imperial Knight by CoffeeCow [Knight promoted to OldCp Moderator], Sir Orbay [Current Knight and Former News Reporter], and Tennis/Archie [Royal Knight Academy]. I was accepted into the private Royal Knight Academy Lessons, free of charge, because I was shown to have good potential in becoming a Knight.

I have been training my battle skills with snowballs for over three months on both server Whiteout and on /training (with permission from trainer). I have excellent computer skills, which will provide useful in controlling a sword. I am a heavily skilled in fighting games, from playing Xcom Enemy Unknown to Epic Fantasy Battle 3. By doing mock sword battles (with saying the commands) I gained experience on battle movements and how blocking prevents other swords from damaging you. I have taken Sadie's Moderator Classes, both Private and Public. As a fast typer, I am able to quickly arrest a user breaking the rules.


General Commands

1. To visit Jail- /jail

2. Arresting- /arrest (username)

3. Releasing a user from jail- /release (username)

Sword Commands

1. Pull Out Sword- Shift + F

2. Swing and Attack With Sword- F

3. Block- Spacebar

The Knight Bascis

The traits and responsibilities of Knighthood

1. Consideration

2. Determination

3. Obey

4. Respect

5. Honesty

6. Responsibility

7. Organization

8. Fierce

9. Power

10. Don't play the role, be the role

11. Loyalty

12. Focus


1. A sword will not kill a user with one hit to prevent any accidental deaths, unless it is a Golden Toblerone Sword.

2. Sword has more glitches than the gun, because the sword requires more movement. [swinging and hitting]

3. You do not automatically get a gun if you get a sword.

4. After you swing a sword, it may gets stuck. Shift + F will renew it.

5. On DSGHQ Forums, Imperial Knights have access to the Masters section.

6. Jail (/jail) looks like /jr sarabarellie. This room is from the dino puffle hatching room from The Prehistoric Party from Club Penguin.

7. Blocking with your sword will block other swords from damaging you.


1. Always wear your uniform [armor].

2. Never pull out a sword in public unless you are authorized by a valid figure. [For example, you are doing The Warlord Comp and Damen says to begin]

3. If a user is spamming, warn them verbally to stop first, then arrest (/arrest [username] ) them if they do not stop.

4. If an Administrator, Moderator, or any higher ranking then you breaks a rule [and you cannot arrest them] tell them to stop, get proof, and report it to an Administrator or higher.

5. If a user pulls out a firearm or a sword in public and is not authorized to do so, /arrest (username) them, and visit them in /jail for further questioning.

6. Loyalty before royalty. Your first job is to ALWAYS protect the DSGHQ.


What makes you different from all the other Knights-In-Training?

The DSGHQ Empire is my home. I protect my home with ALL the fight that is in me. All my strength, all my determination, all my love, goes into the DSGHQ. My home will NOT be left undefended, and I will give ALL I got to keep this place safe, happy, and a good home. I wil NOT rest until I see this place safe. If there is a war, I will NOT go down without fighting for what I love: you. You are my family, you are what makes this home a real home. And I believe. I believe in you, I believe in me, I believe in us.

Will you abuse your powers?

No, of course not! Why would I harm my home? This community is extremely important to me. Abusing my powers would harm this community. I want to protect my community, help this dear home to me!

Do you agree to obey all rules, orders, and follow the responsibilities of being an Imperial Knight

Indeed, I do agree. I will obey all rules and orders with my heart. I will follow the responsibilities of being an Imperial Knight with pride and strength!

Will you protect The DSGHQ Empire with all your heart and might

I would die for The DSGHQ Empire in a mere heartbeat. My heart and strength will put all its effort into protecting my home.

Loyal above Royal?

Loyalty above Royalty. Why would I need to be a owner on a different game if I have this loving community and home. I am Loyal to The DSGHQ Empire with my heart and soul. Nothing can stop my strong determination to protect this dearest community.


Thank you for reading my Imperial Knight Application. My heart, strength, and strong determination will put all its effort into protecting the DSGHQ Empire. Please consider me an Imperial Knight. Thank you,


Nice Application! Good Game for the training, you came out of nowhere though. Hope you get it, you deserve it!

<3 -Alice

32 posts
Posted in My gold • 21st June 2015, 11:15 AM

Webkinz wrote on 21st June 2015 10:45 AM:
Damen can I have my gold please?

Im not Damen. ;p

32 posts
Posted in The answer to your Question • 21st June 2015, 04:49 AM

The Maestro wrote on 21st June 2015 04:47 AM:
If you were given the rank "Master of Death" you be Lord of Death

So your basically the "Lord" , "Owner" of that Rank so you own it if you were given Master of Death You be Known as "Lady Of Death" (For Woman) "Lord Of Death" (For Men)

So you now know what "Master" Means rember this doesn't work on its own

What I just told you is From the Greeek Word : kurios. It can also mean Sir

o.o Uh, I dont know what to say really. I just dont wanna be a lady of death.

32 posts
Posted in Happy Fathers Day! • 21st June 2015, 04:03 AM

Happy Fathers Day Everyone! I hope you have a lovely time with your dad, unfortunately i cant. My dad is working all day, in his job, then doing a friends patio. Just to let you know dad, i love you <3. Its important to love your father, even if he shouts at you, he does lots of things to earn money for you to buy stuff!


32 posts
Posted in What is your favorite? • 20th June 2015, 06:10 PM

PFUDOR wrote on 20th June 2015 06:06 PM:
The Alice said on 20th June 2015 05:27 PM:
Uh What you talking bout? ;p lol im laughin irl because of this

agree what r u talking about favorite what?!?
oh forgot hi


32 posts
Posted in What is your favorite? • 20th June 2015, 05:27 PM

Uh What you talking bout? ;p lol im laughin irl because of this

32 posts
Posted in Guess what? • 20th June 2015, 04:35 PM

lulu2 wrote on 20th June 2015 04:27 PM: could you add an effect to this photo?

o.o i cant... lol its 2 hard anyway ;p.. i only do signutares

32 posts
Posted in I think I • 20th June 2015, 04:12 PM

Mckinlee wrote on 20th June 2015 04:07 PM:
The Alice said on 20th June 2015 03:35 PM:
kayla321 said on 20th June 2015 03:32 PM:
Hi, I'm Kayla321 and I think I may have been banned because when I go to log in it doesn't let me something pops up! I Honestly don't know what I've done and I don't know if my cousins hve went on my account (Because I babysit them pretty often with my Mum or big sis and they go on m lapop) But I'd appreciate it so much if someone unbans me Sorry if my family member has done something but I really miss OldCp :'(

Awh, im sure someone will un-ban you soon! In the mean time try and keep calm

What color code did you use for that pink? Like color=???

I have notified the mods to see if anyone wanted to ban you, if not you will be unbanned ASAP:)

I always use this color and its hot pink, but i use bold with it to make it like this.

32 posts
Posted in Guess what? • 20th June 2015, 04:02 PM

Im gonna be doing a signutare (dont know how to spell it) shop. Well like one. You ask for one then it will be made, and you dont have to buy it! If you do want one just ask me.I'll give an example; Or it could be diffrent! I can try to do one that suits you. oh and btw it wont be like that some will some can be diffrent! Like this one:

Or even diffrent! Anyone you like. Heh but not that one. Thanks for reading!


32 posts
Posted in OldCP Moderator Application • 20th June 2015, 03:41 PM

Amandapink30 wrote on 20th June 2015 03:33 PM:

Staff members, please consider me an OldCP moderator.
Hello, everybody. My name is Amanda, and I'll be showing you my OldCP moderator application. I'll introduce myself to the new users on here.

~Name: Amandapink30 (Amanda)
~Age: I am currently 10, I am turning 11 on June 27.

I would also like to say welcome to my moderator application, and I hope you enjoy.


I have quite some experience. I am currently a News Reporter on both the DSGHQ Forums and OldCP, and I am also the Master of Parties on OldCP and the DSGHQ Forums. A little while ago, I have also achieved Member on the forums. But, I currently am still making news reports as a News Reporter.
I have also been a finalist in the Winter Game of Moderators. Which meant I was close to earning the rank Moderator. I am also a member on the XAT.


Abuse? Why, I'd never abuse. If I do abuse and nobody catches me, I will tell the truth and tell another staff member what I've done. I'd only use my powers if I had to/for important reasons. If another staff member catches me and tells me what I have done, I'd agree with that user. I would never abuse, never in my life. If I do abuse, I deserve to be demoted.


I am active. I am active a little over 14 hours a week. I am on about 2 or 3 hours a day. Add that up, about 14 or more hours a week. I come on every day, usually in the afternoon because not a lot of moderators are on at the time. If no moderators are online, I will be. If I am not online, I may be busy or could be in a different building shopping, swimming, eating, etc.

Why I Want This Rank

I want this rank because I want to help and protect OldCP. After all, this is a kids game. If that a snowball spammer I see? Don't worry, I'll warn him/her. I don't want the rank just so I can walk on walls or have power. Sure, it's my dream, but because I want to help protect this fun game. I also might go in different rooms to make sure everything is fine, and I'll attend all meetings/occasions. And I'll hang out in the town with my friends.


~ /ban (name)
~ /unban (name)
~ /ipban (name)
~ /unipban (name)
~ /kick (name)
~ /warn (name and what he/she is being warned for)
~ /whisper (name and what I want to say to user)
~ /summon (name)
~ /sendto (name and room id)
~ /goto (name)


I do hope you all enjoyed my moderator application. If I am given the rank, I will do all of these things (of course, I won't abuse) and do my duty as an OldCP moderator. I would also like to thank you for taking your time to read this application. I would greatly appreciate it if you put feedback as well.


Great application ! I hope you get it Oh and i got a signutare for you. Here it is:

32 posts
Posted in I think I • 20th June 2015, 03:35 PM

kayla321 wrote on 20th June 2015 03:32 PM:
Hi, I'm Kayla321 and I think I may have been banned because when I go to log in it doesn't let me something pops up! I Honestly don't know what I've done and I don't know if my cousins hve went on my account (Because I babysit them pretty often with my Mum or big sis and they go on m lapop) But I'd appreciate it so much if someone unbans me Sorry if my family member has done something but I really miss OldCp :'(

Awh, im sure someone will un-ban you soon! In the mean time try and keep calm

32 posts
Posted in terrywuverxd • 20th June 2015, 03:24 PM

terryloverXD wrote on 20th June 2015 03:15 PM:
Hi I think we should have a museum of all the things Damen and old cp has done and if this idea gets approved plz call me the lady of the museum .

Hm, cool idea, but i think we should have a vote to see who is lady of the museum.

32 posts
Posted in my Story Short • 20th June 2015, 01:37 PM

The Maestro wrote on 20th June 2015 01:11 PM:
I always Get Told of By Users just for my option , By Rap

My Job : To keep rapping , keep the EMPIRE SAFE

^ What I do

I lost Lord , Detective , Friends Because of not keeping Calm I am calm I was always Calm if I was mad I would cuss (Only Emperor Damen Can make me do this ) and I'm here to let you know I'm Sherlock120 , Sriram is my Real name I used this name because awhile back I had a account named Sriram and my mates Hacked it and Some how changed the pass the new one was so smail so I decied to wait for a copule of years But my Account sriram Use to be Blue it was my fav it thing Till I loved , Red , Brown , Blue (All versions) so yeah now you know the Story

I'm sorry for the Typo one of my friends messed up what I was trying to Write!

I agree with Lux. Nice name and Cool Story!