Demi2286's Posts

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11 posts
Posted in Amanda's Awesome News #4 • 18th July 2015, 02:22 AM

Can't wait to hear more news! Thanks for telling us new things... (Sorry... that's just my guess) Because i don't have time to read all the comments :P. Sorry if that was a bit rude. I just don't want to waste time, if you know what i mean. Anyway, i'm looking forward to some new news soon! Thanks for putting the news Amanda!! ;) PS: I never read any of Amanda's news things but, there prob cool! ~Demi

11 posts
Posted in Game of Mods - Summer 2015 • 7th July 2015, 07:24 PM

Can't wait until 2 days because in 2 days the mod comp starts!! I am so excited! I have been wanting to be mod. I have never asked to be mod, because i don't like asking. If i ask to be mod, i will have to wait even longer to get mod. I believe in myself and for others. RAE4MOD! I hope Rae gets mod sometime! She would be a good moderator on oldcp. She is mod on xats, but not on oldcp. Best wishes Rae! I also want to say something that people do not and it isn't right. Chelsey said it on xats and i just wanted to share it with you. "There are some people who have been wishing to be mod because their best buddies were becoming mod. If their best buddy becomes mod, they would make the other friend a mod." I understand you have to earn mod and if their are two best friends it wouldn't really be that fare if one was mod and the other wasn't, but i hate when a friend of someone makes their BFF a mod. It's not right. Again, you have to EARN MOD. This is the perfect time to earn mod. I hope some people aren't angry with me but it's kinda true! Thanks for reading this if you had time LOL. Best wishes for all on the mod comp! ~Demi :)

11 posts
Posted in Gold Competition • 3rd July 2015, 11:10 PM

Today on July 3, we played soccer on DSGHQ. I was on team green with alot of other people. Red team joined green, mostly. ;) and Green won! I made no scores, but the team i was on won! I feel bad for the red team. It was so funny when we had to make a picture make with our penguins and a bunch of others in our group, and Damen said our pictures sucked! XD XD I loved July 3!

11 posts
Posted in Penguin of the Day • 1st July 2015, 12:07 AM

not that i hate her... but i just do not like her..

11 posts
Posted in Penguin of the Day • 1st July 2015, 12:00 AM

Just so u guys know, Fleurs has a MASSIVE CRUSH ON Dice.
I do not like that woman/man.

11 posts
Posted in When Moderators don't respond • 30th June 2015, 10:52 PM

oh and, sorry about some typos in there!

11 posts
Posted in When Moderators don't respond • 30th June 2015, 10:49 PM

Hi! Demi here. So i think moderators are busy moderating, checking forums, of just checking oldcp chat and oldcp. Moderators have very importent jobs. I can see how importent it is. I've had to do importen things to and couldn't stop for a while. That's called, homework. I kinda liked homework because now i don't have it...XD but the thing is, moderators have to work. If you have a job, you can't just quit and leave when you want to. You have to work as long as you were told to. Moderators don't mean to ignore you on purpose, I understand when moderators don't chat back to me. I just go with the flow and i'll ask them later. Sometimes when your on oldcp, you are trying to get a busy moderators attention but, they don't respond. That's normal usually. If there is alot of people trying to talk to a mod all at once, He/She has to answer them one at a time. Other times when there isn't nobody trying to talk to the mod and you try to talk to he/she but he/she still doesn't answer you, they might just be talking to someone on oldcp chat or on forums or maybe even checking in with Damen. Please treat staff good if they don't ALWAYS answer you when you want them to because there is only a couple mods. Please understand!!! ~Demi 10:49 PM 6/30/2015

11 posts
Posted in What Should I Do? • 29th June 2015, 02:38 AM

Hi! When i am nervous, i like to do something i love! One time, i was really nervous because that next day i had to be on stage and stand in front of ALOT of people. I am very shy sometimes but anyway, try to think of something funny in your head or do something you like. Be creative and Courage yourself to be able to do the dance! Believe in yourself too! I believe that anyone can do anything and i believe that you are going to do A-W-E-S-O-M-E- at your dance! Have fun! Your friend...Demi posted at 2:38 AM 6/29/2015. :):):);););)

11 posts
Posted in I think I • 26th June 2015, 04:16 PM

Sorry u were ban for no reason. I will tell a mod to unban you. I will tell them that it was a misunderstand and sometimes some of your family members go on your computer and they might do things on your oldcp account. I will explain every single detail. Your friend... Demi

11 posts
Posted in I think I • 26th June 2015, 04:14 PM

Sorry that you were ban for no reason... I will go on oldcp chat and tell a mod to unban u & tell them it was misunderstood and u were babysitting and sometimes family members go on to your computer and do things on your oldcp account. I will explain every detail! ;););) Demi :):):):)

11 posts
Posted in Moderator Application :) • 26th June 2015, 04:02 PM

Sorry, i didn't want to waste my time on reading all of that so what i an telling you is this, 1. If you want to be mod, you have to follow ALL ALL ALL of the dsghq rules. 2. you have to be accepted by damen. 3. After you've been accepted, you now have to check with the dsghq and moderate here and there then, you'll make a fine moderator! there could be other ways to be a mod but, that's just the best i could think of... Thank you if you had the time to read this! =) Demi on oldcp mostly everyday!