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Posted in Mod Application • 13th July 2015, 08:28 PM

I think I should become a mod because I am good with solving problems and think I am pretty mature for the age of 12 if I do say so my self and I have been playing on old cp for about a year now but ive had like 20 accounts and forgot the passwords "lol" but I will not forget the password to MountionDew ive written it down but on the other hand I think I should have a chance to become a mod because like I said I am good with helping people solve problems,im trustworthy and not in any way rude to penguins on old cp and I wont in anyway ever abuse my power if I would become a mod so if there is any problems on old cp I will try as much as I can to help fix it so yeah that's all I have to say for my application now I just need to do now is just hope and be patcient