Goofytoot's Posts

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New User!
2 posts
Posted in im new • 14th August 2015, 01:55 PM


I'm new here too, so you're not the only one.

I also recently lost my grandma as well and I know how you feel. Just know you'll get to see her again one day.

I think I have already seen you around before as well on OldCP!

New User!
2 posts
Posted in Application for OldCP. • 14th August 2015, 01:52 PM

Hi! Today I'm applying for Moderator on OldCP. :)

Username: Goofytoot

Desired Rank: Moderator.

Age: I am currently 13 years of age.

Timezone: PST

Date joined: Just today. Friday, August 14, 2015

Experience: I have been Moderator on a couple of different types of Club Penguin, I don't know what they are called but I know you can cuss and add items, just like this one. I have played Club Penguin since 2008 and have been moderating other types of Club Penguins for about a year now. I am currently not a staff member on any private servers. I have a lot of experience being a Moderator on private servers.

DSGHQ History: I have just joined today so I dont know too much, but it looks like a great place to be apart of. I love going on forums and chatting with the community, so this is great for me. I will dedicate a ton of my time going on forums and OldCP.

Special Qualifications*: I always keep my eyes glued on whats happening around me, I never play games just by myself. I am always at the Town where all the people are, or another popular place where it needs moderating. I am currently at an average of 97 WPM, so I can type very quickly. My highest is 127 WPM, I never knew how I got that. I know all the Moderator commands, I don't know if this cp version has the moderator commands different. I learn extremely quickly. When I was little, my dad taught me how to read in 1 day, and I was reading chapter books in a day. I am always extremely mature, and I only goof around with my friends. But most of the time I am always mature and keeping an eye out. I am usually on my computer for up to 9 hours a day on the weekdays, and up to 5-6 hours on weekends. I am extremely active and I believe that is one of the biggest things you need to be a Staff. I NEVER ignore people, I always answer their questions or whatever they have to say. I can speak very well Spanish, my mom is Hispanic and she has taught me every word in the Spanish dictionary.I can also speak a tiny bit of French, I am at the top of my class in writing non-fiction and fiction. My grammar is usually very good, Rarely, I make a little mistake on a word. I am not one of those people who give up very easily, if I am given a task, I work on it and do it until it is completed. In 5th grade I learned all 50 states in one night, I was up till 12:30 AM learning all 50. My teacher was very strict with us. I do not believe in "quitting". I think people who do that are lazy and will never get far in life. I'm always extremely humble and kind with the people around me. I am not rude, I always treat people the way I want to be treated. I know what to do in very situation a staff member could possibly encounter.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed my application. Have a nice rest of your day!

~Goofytoot :)