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New User!
3 posts
Posted in Thank you guys • 7th September 2015, 08:54 PM

Lloyd Socrates wrote on 7th September 2015 08:49 PM:
You shouldn't go (not again)... it's very sad to see this, there are many other positive stuff to look at, but if you keep re-reading the last chapter of your life, you'll never be ready for the next one, you can't leave this train now, stay here, we have to walk forward, always looking what's in front of us, imagining a beautiful future, staying awake trying to find a solution, I wish good luck with your life, there are many things you can have sucess, but remember, it's better to be a person of value than being a person of sucess.

I've seen this player.
She did an amazing job, dind't she.
Agreed, but it's sad to see her go now.
True wisdom Wise Lloyd. You'll succeed in life, I guarantee it. Ta ta for now <3 love y'all. THIS IS CHEEP SIGNING OUT <3 <3 <3

New User!
3 posts
Posted in Thank you guys • 7th September 2015, 07:40 PM

Hello, Cheep here.

Hi guys, it's come to my attention I'm suspended, not a big deal or anything, well to me that is. Well, I'm just here to say thank you all for being such great friends. Even though my profile clearly says I was suspended for bullying, it was merely disobeying to apologize to a fellow friend, which I wronged. But I don't want to be portrayed as a bully or a rude person. As that said, I am going to be heading on to bigger, bolder places. Thank you guys for truly being a great community and even better friends. I hope you all succeed in life and take the high roads as you pursue your dreams. I love you all <3.

Best regards, Cheep <3