zeldaboylink's Posts

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New User!
3 posts
Posted in Furlen is Leaving cp • 13th October 2015, 10:06 AM

Dear Damen and other fellow penguins that a may or may not know, it has come to my attention that i Furlen have been cussing multiple times. Yes i might be ip banned for this so if any of my friends are reading this i might be leaving cp forever. i am terribly sorry for my actions and i have told my parents about me cussing on cp and they said that i should probably leave and learn not to cuss online and ill leave cp because everyone will now hate me for the actions i have done. P.S if you are reading this and you know arona please tell her that this has happened and that i hope she doesn't get upset.

Sincerely: Furlen
:( :( :( ;O; ;O;


New User!
3 posts
Posted in im ip banned please help • 10th October 2015, 07:13 AM

on oldcp i have been ip banned and i dont know why. it has now been 3 days and im still banned and nobody can help me i have tried using a new browser and new penguins but i cant go on any other account please help D:

New User!
3 posts
Posted in Knight on oldcp • 16th August 2015, 10:57 AM

hello my penguin name is XxshyguyxX and i would like to become a knight on club penguin. The reasons why i should become a knight on oldcp are: 1. i stop people from being mean and spamming people on cp or xat, 2. i am very nice and i like to protect people on club penguin, 3. i play so many fighting games so i think i might be good a knight training, and finally 4. i go on old cp nearly every day apart from school days :) thank you fr your time on reading this.