faisy's Posts

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New User!
6 posts
Posted in the orchardtop show (Hiring) • 23rd August 2015, 04:17 PM

Orchardtop wrote on 23rd August 2015 04:14 PM:
faisy said on 23rd August 2015 04:12 PM:
Hi! I would like to apply for interviewer 2. (Please let me know if I have to be a member first.)

Forums name: faisy

Oldcp name: faisy (backup account name: Imfaisy)

Job I am applying for: I am applying for Interveiwer number 2, so just incase you cannot interview someone or you're not there.

Experince: I don't have much experience on oldcp or forums, but I have interviewed people before, irl and on a game.

Have I ever been banned? No, I have not. I have never been banned on oldcp or forums.

Thanks for reading. I hope I get the job, if not that is totally fine.

Great application I don't really care if someone is a rookie or administrator they can get the job and yours is accepted

Yay, thank you. :)

New User!
6 posts
Posted in the orchardtop show (Hiring) • 23rd August 2015, 04:12 PM

Hi! I would like to apply for interviewer 2. (Please let me know if I have to be a member first.)

Forums name: faisy

Oldcp name: faisy (backup account name: Imfaisy)

Job I am applying for: I am applying for Interveiwer number 2, so just incase you cannot interview someone or you're not there.

Experience: I don't have much experience on oldcp or forums, but I have interviewed people before, irl and on a game.

Have I ever been banned? No, I have not. I have never been banned on oldcp or forums. Nor have I ever been banned on any game.

Thanks for reading. I hope I get the job, if not that is totally fine. :)

New User!
6 posts
Posted in How I met my 1st Gf • 23rd August 2015, 04:07 PM

I'm sorry but I dont believe this. But if it's true I hope the guy who shot her was in big trouble.

New User!
6 posts
Posted in once upon a time... • 23rd August 2015, 01:29 PM

Hi! Welcome to my 2nd discussion! Today ill be doing a post where u guys make up the story! But, i'll start it. :D

Once upon a time there was a Llama named joey...


New User!
6 posts
Posted in Hi imfaisy • 23rd August 2015, 12:13 PM

ooh that color on my name looks awesome and pretty! :D XD

New User!
6 posts
Posted in Hi imfaisy • 23rd August 2015, 12:10 PM

Hi i am imfaisy. My oldcp name is faisy, but my backup account name is imfaisy. Pancakes15 is my best friend :D

Bye!! cya around!!