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Posted in Ace's ban appeal • 11th September 2015, 06:36 PM

I don't think I was IPbanned but I'm using a proxy server anyway because the person who's house I'm at currently doesn't want that information to be given out to strangers. So excuse me if proxies aren't approved of. But I wanted to make this so.

*Ace says he wouldn't care if he gets banned* *gets banned* *Makes two threads about him being banned.* Ha ha! HA! Laugh.

Introduction Take 1:
I mean, the title is the introduction if I do say so myself. But these are supposed to have an introduction in the post as well, right? Ok. All right so umm...what?

Introduction Take 2:
I don't know what I'm talking about.

Introduction Take 3:
So umm..umm...ehh....I CANNOT SPEAK.

Introduction final attempt:
When I first got banned, I only looked at it from my perspective. I didn't look at it from Damen's perspective. And once I began looking at from his perspective, I began to understand the ban. I still think the ban reason should've said something better because I didn't do anything too personal or inappropriate to share. However, what led to the ban is completely understandable after putting some thought into it but I am really hoping to be able to have another change and start fresh like a large majority of people if not everyone who makes ban appeals. So Damen, instead of ordering me to get off of your plane, it would mean a lot for you to hear me out.

Account desired to be unbanned:

What I did:
No real explanation was really provided from Damen other than apparently being annoying/an idiot. But I think I can speak for everyone when I say I've been somewhat arrogant, I've interfered in almost everything I had nothing to do with, created arguments out of little things, had an honest personality but didn't even attempt to say it in a respectful way, saying insulting things but not saying that I'm joking, etc etc. You can basically call me The Grumpy Old Troll from Dora the Explorer.

Why I think I deserve to be unbanned:
I made "mistakes." I say "mistakes" in quotes because in my opinion, the word "mistakes" does not exist. Instead, I say oppurtunities. Because every mistake you make is an oppurtunity to use those things to make yourself a better person. And I assure you that I will do just that and not do those things again. I will use those mistakes to grow as a user and be an influence to others.

My apology:
I don't really how the best way to express this, but I sincerely apologize to all of you for everything. I truly understand that that behavior is not acceptable and I have no purpose to behave that way. I will still be the honest person I was before just with the exception of everything.

Why I WANT to be unbanned:
I want to hang out with friends and make "entertaining" posts for a few more months or so before I move on to bigger things because I find it rather thrilling here.

I have forgiven myself and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me as well, Damen. If you give me just one more chance, I promise you that you will not regret it. If not, I won't just keep creating new accounts, I will respect that and spend the next few years trying to beat Kanye West for 2020 president. Translation: spend the next few years sleeping, probably. But again, unbanning me will not me a bad decision.

That introduction could've been the whole post. But Ace is again going on and onn and on and on and on.