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Posted in The Emperor Guard's Sad News. • 13th March 2016, 08:37 PM

Prince Sriram Drake wrote on 13th March 2016 06:37 PM:
EMPEROR GUARDS, PRIVATE CHAMBERS, CAPITAL, The Emperor Guards, Lord Commander Ser Sriram, Said, And I Quote "Why Can't Users Be Punished For Bullying Emperor Guards?" well Emperor Guards Can No Longer, Bully, Or In Some Way, "Hurt" The Users. The Emperor Damen II Drake, Said, If Emperor Guards Do Bully Or Harm Any UnRanked Users, They Are Relived Form There Duty, For a Month, But I Think, Arresting Users For Bullying Emperor's Guards Isn't A Good Way to Respone, I Think The Users should Be Killed, And Put Next's To Mickey's Head, There Heads are On a Spike, One By One.

That's All For Today.

What Do You Think, Shall Damen Keep It Has It Is?

Yes we should kill the users, that's a wonderful idea, SOMEONE GIVE THIS GUY A HAND AMIRITE? CMON *SLOW CLAPS*

New User!
2 posts
Posted in Dear DSGHQ • 12th March 2016, 09:27 PM

Italy wrote on 12th March 2016 06:28 PM:
Hello, my name is Italy.
So, I've been trying to be a bit more active on OldCP.

When I see Adawg, he seems to be a bit crowded.
I understand, he is a popular user.
But everyone says he isn't mature.

He said he was planning to set rules for the north,
but everyone keeps telling him
"Oh, is your new rule to kill someone?"

This personally made me a bit upset.
This may also upset him as well.

Admins have also made fun of him.

He knows his actions, you do not
have to tell him what he has done.

So, I beg you,
please do not hurt him
or make fun of him.

The more you tell him he isn't mature,
it won't help. It is creating him to be

I have known Adawg for almost 3 years now,
and he is a perfect guy.
He can be humorous at times, but he is serious, too.

So, what are your opinions?

If you liked this, please give it a 1+
or maybe if you didn't like it, you may also give it a 1-.

Farewell from Italy.

The admins made fun of him because of his actions. They were only playing around anyway. We all do that right? Admins wouldn't disrespect someone purposely. If they did that, they wouldn't be considered admins, but bullies. I've seen a lot of admins pick on adawg, but they're just screwing around. Also for the users that mess around with him, he had the right to tell them stop or take action if it REALLY bothered him. Honestly, I'm not against adawg. I feel he attacked the admin, hashir, not just because he wanted to be king and damen promised him king, it was because he was socially depressed because everyone was screwing around with him. He didn't really like that. But he never got the courage to say anything. I'm against adawg's actions of killing hashir and forcing him to depression and quit DSGHQ. But I believe he did it for an actual reason and not just because he was jealous. In fact, I don't even think he was jealous, but upset that an admin took the one thing we wanted away from him. I'm not against hashir for doing that because hashir proved he could be a great king, but that is just his perspective. I feel adawg had a reason for killing hashir, he apologized more than enough for it. It's kinda like how abu killed malorie. Abu wanted malorie to change, to an extent, she did.

That's just my opinion.