King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in BraveHunter • 5th February 2016, 11:01 AM

Zsed did nothing to get arrested (although he was talking behind Srirams back after) There was nothing he did to get him arrested. And I heard bravehunter has been pulling out his sword as a "Warning" That's what people at jr knights told me

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 5th February 2016, 10:56 AM

Cave wrote on 4th February 2016 12:04 PM:
Nice job! Good luck on earning this rank, I think you will be an amazing knight!


Thanks Cave!!!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Quitting ~Seth • 4th February 2016, 04:28 PM

We will all miss you! See ya later

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 4th February 2016, 03:28 PM

McKensie The Papyrus wrote on 4th February 2016 02:47 PM:
Well, You need to add in more stuff, also you could be a member before applying for more chance of getting knight, other than the application it's okay

The one reason I don't have member is because, When the new forums came out, I hated it so I never used it. Then I came back and this forums was back but since I hadn't used it in a long time all my rep went down.

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 4th February 2016, 11:40 AM

Buddy25 wrote on 4th February 2016 11:39 AM:
Yeah i really hope you get knight good luck to you

Thanks Buddy! I am so happy to see all of the comment so far have been supportive!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 4th February 2016, 11:28 AM

Max Stags wrote on 4th February 2016 04:59 AM:
Good application, good life, good application and good luck!

Thank you!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 3rd February 2016, 07:46 PM

Spoke wrote on 3rd February 2016 07:45 PM:
Nice app, hope you get knight. I wish you the best of luck Gerry.

Why thank, Best of luck too you if you ever are looking to earn a rank

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Knight app. • 3rd February 2016, 07:24 PM

Username on oldcp. Gerrypretzel

Age : 11 (very mature)

Username on forums: Thepretzel

Experience: I have been in a war against bh's and was locked out of a room during bombing, But I was able to survive. I have been in countless bh attacks and bombings. I have a had a tiny bit of training and I know all of the sword commands which I will later share down below.

Why I want this rank: 1. Citizens of oldcp need to be protected. I feel like that's what I need to do! 2. This is one of the ranks that spoke out to me (and mod but who doesn't want mod XD) I think I can and will make a great knight if given the chance. 3. Just think about it. It is an awesome rank.

Will I abuse my power: Although this question is ALWAYS answered with no, I actually mean it. This rank is a privilege not a right, So no I will not.

Activeness: I am on everyday, (usually) and I am on about 2-3 times a day. So I am very active..

Sword commands: shift + f = pull out sword. f = slice/swing. spacebar = block.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! And have a nice day!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Story time! • 3rd February 2016, 07:12 PM

Once upon a time in a magical place called my house...Was a whole bunch of chairs! One day me and my siblings were bored so we decided so stack a whole bunch of chairs on a recliner, Then spin. It was fun at first, Then I fell. I closed my eyes then opened them and my siblings were screaming I felt my head and there was blood on it! I ran upstairs and I luckily didn't have to go to the hospital, But I cracked my head open! Then I got orange juice. TRUE STORY!!!!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Session Review: 2/2/16 • 3rd February 2016, 07:08 PM

A lot happened in this one day! By the way awesome video!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Quitting • 3rd February 2016, 07:06 PM

Goodbye, We all look forward to your visits and will miss you very much!!!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Enemy Sightings • 3rd February 2016, 07:03 PM

I was there it was scary, But yes we do have an awesome staff to deal with this! +1

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Custom Items!! • 3rd February 2016, 07:01 PM

That's an awesome idea! +1 from me! ~ Gerry

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in "Crush" Is Kidnapped: What Do You Do? • 3rd February 2016, 06:58 PM

I mean, If it were a fantasy I would save them, But it if it were real I wouldn't be able to save them so I would probably pray! XD

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in unnamed character [drawing by sparklz] • 3rd February 2016, 06:57 PM

That is very good! keep up the good work!!!
sparklz wrote on 2nd February 2016 09:04 PM:

so this is the cat emacodo and i designed at school together

this is just a head shot of the character

shes either gonna name her permafrost or celsius but who knows!!!

and i finally put an underscore in my signature yeeyeyeye!!

im ded bai