King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Detectives NEEDED! • 12th November 2015, 07:52 PM

Well I will be applying soon, But would my application be a post?

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in OldCP News • 12th November 2015, 07:37 PM

Damen, Is that Rick grimes?

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in My riddle • 12th November 2015, 03:14 PM

Correct! The answer was Air, or breath

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in My riddle • 12th November 2015, 01:15 PM

I am light as a feather but the strongest man can't hold me for more than 5 minutes what am I? If you don't get they answer I will tell You all tomorrow! -Gerry

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Christmas! • 12th November 2015, 01:11 PM

Pooly wrote on 11th November 2015 10:47 PM:
I only get 2 Presents Or 3 ;(
That's ok, I don't get too much either, Plus I don't get REALLY expensive things

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Make a story continued • 12th November 2015, 01:04 PM

We last left off with the unicorn, who might be evil still. So one day Tasha was petting her unicorn, when it turned on her. "How dare this world use us unicorns as colorful mythical creatures! We are more than that." The unicorn said. "I- It's not my fault." Tasha said startled. Just then the unicorn flied off. "Wait, unicorns can fly? I thought only Pegasus could." Tasha said very confused. Tasha decided to do some research online when she saw something. The only way to defeat unicorns was to brush there teeth with mustard! Tasha then remember her mom bought unicorn mustard, Tasha put it on a toothbrush and was ready to brush the unicorns teeth when she saw a shadow, It was the unicorns shadow. She ran toward the unicorn and brush it's teeth. "Huzzah!" Tasha yelled. "I've done it!!!" Tasha kept yelling words of victory. "I'm sorry, Unicorns will always serve humans starting now, From this day forward all unicorns will serve humans!!!" The unicorn yelled. Turns out the unicorn was a king from unicorn world and he used to be and evil king, Until my next story bye! -Gerry

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Wedding! • 11th November 2015, 03:36 PM

Hey guys, Sunday the 15th is Chase101 and Katts wedding! (everyone cheers and claps) It will be held at /jr freehawksbase, the wedding is at 12pm est time. There will of course be cake. (more claps and cheers) EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!! Wear your best we hope to see you there. P.S. Tell your friends!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in CYBERBULLYING:STOP • 11th November 2015, 11:45 AM

TheOneAndWorstAce wrote on 10th November 2015 08:14 PM:
We also have no idea what THEIR lives are like. Goes both ways. Cyberbullies must be hateful towards their own lives, so they take out their agression on others in an attempt to make them feel miserable in order to feel better about their own lives. As we all know, a happy person would be too busy spreading joy and positivity to be bring down someone else. So rather than being offended over the irrelevant opinion of strangers, we should try to give those people advice on how to increase their confidence. I don't support any form of bullying, but what I'm saying is that cyberbullies or any bully most likely just want love and support, which they feel as if they don't have.
I also feel like that, But we still need to stop them but we also need to help them.

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in CYBERBULLYING:STOP • 11th November 2015, 11:43 AM

Shane wrote on 10th November 2015 08:12 PM:
Why would someone go out of their way just to make someone else feel melancholy? It's like they have nothing else to do with their lives. Cyberbullying is a major cause of people taking their own lives. It's hurtful and deplorable. So do yourselves a favor and never cyberbully anybody on social media.
I feel the same way, I made posts about that

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Detective • 10th November 2015, 09:17 PM

Hey guys, I am planning on applying for detective soon. YAY. Terry told Hashir I could use some training for application so that is gonna be done. I can't wait so I just wanted to inform you, I might not even get accepted but I am going to try. Stay tuned for my story, Ima continue it in the lounge. BYE!

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Make a Story! • 4th November 2015, 09:23 PM

There was once a Girl named Tasha. Tasha loved unicorns, She had a unicorn stickers, unicorn toothbrush, she even insisted on her mom buying unicorn mustard. One night she was dreaming of unicorns when she saw a shadow. "What was that?" She thought to herself. She saw it again, it looked liked a unicorn. She realized it was a evil unicorn! It was dark and scary. Tasha was scared, until she realized it was a unicorn, Then she taught the unicorn to be nice and taught it to love. Then the unicorn became all sorts of colors. All of Tasha's friends were jealous. But the unicorn always had an evil look in it's eyes. Was it still good? Too be continued.

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Bullying continued • 28th October 2015, 08:50 PM

Why would someone bully? Everyone is a bully, Everyone has been bullied. But why do you bully. Does it make you feel good about yourself? Does it make the person you are bullying feel good about themselves? If it does, I shouldn't. No matter where you are getting bullied there is always a way to stop it. Telling someone could sometimes, even be scary, or embarrassing. But it is worth it cause it stops the bullying. Bullying is wrong. Help someone out, don't bully.

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Another Guilty!:/ • 27th October 2015, 08:23 PM

Emmie, what song is that you use in your forums account thing, I like it

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Another Guilty!:/ • 27th October 2015, 07:20 PM

I feel bad for Matthew and all his friends

King of Pretzels
64 posts
Posted in Halloween countinued • 27th October 2015, 03:29 PM

lol cool costume Savveh