New User!
25 posts
Posted in Fonts • 17th October 2015, 09:06 AM

Some Fonts:
Well, get a load of this image!

New User!
25 posts
Posted in OldCP News #2 • 17th October 2015, 09:03 AM


Halloween Theme for OldCP:

Hello all OldCP users!
I forgot to add this to the post, But as you probably already know, There is a Halloween Theme going on! It is really exciting and there is a movie called "Night of the living Sled" And "Night of the living Sled 2" So come on down to OldCP And get yourself some popcorn and watch the movie and explore the new OldCP Theme!

New User!
25 posts
Posted in OldCP News #2 • 17th October 2015, 08:55 AM

OldCP News
Welcome to OldCP News. I am currently aiming for a News Reporter.
1 - "Ask Me"
Hello! I am starting a new topic in the OldCP News called "Ask Stuuntz" or "Ask Me". I answer questions people have about OldCP Unless they are inappropriate or if it is nothing i need to asnwer. Ex: Whats your oldcp password? :D?. Not going to answer that unless i am leaving forever which i will not do. So ask me a question!
2 - "Quote of the day"

This quote is an amazing lesson! How do you think of it?
3 - "My little "Q+A"
Alright. Some things about me:
1 - I am always friendly
2 - I never hack
3 - I DO Play Minecraft
4 - I DO Play Roblox
5 - I DO Play OldCP
6 - I make MC Maps (Not out yet)
7 - I love quotes
8 - I will not give away any personal info about myself except my age and or my name
1 - "The Daily Song"
Avicii - For a better day (No music video because of of disturbing content)

I hope you enjoyed this OldCP News!

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Please Help • 17th October 2015, 08:33 AM

Tomatoe Lecturer wrote on 17th October 2015 07:26 AM:
I KNOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!! AND ITS AMAZING :DDDDDD Random Photo o,o

Well, I dont have it myself, So im not sure :(

New User!
25 posts
Posted in oldcp • 17th October 2015, 08:26 AM

docwho10012 wrote on 17th October 2015 08:22 AM:
hey thnx for help to guide me through this tour and oldcp is fun in all we need to make cp fun but we need to not be mean and everyone will have a great time
Welcome Aboard!
Hello, Im Stuuntz. I love to help people and you can catch me on OldCP Sometimes!
Enjoy!! ;)

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Return of OldCP Mod Panel • 12th October 2015, 06:36 PM

Emmie wrote on 11th October 2015 06:55 PM:
So, normal user's can access the panel? Or no? Because, I'm wondering waa??
No. It is only for OldCP Mods and up.

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Unable Login to oldcp • 10th October 2015, 11:11 AM

Here are some reasons you might not be loading:

1- Maybe your internet is not to good.
2- Maybe it is just taking a long time. Try waiting.
3- (Not likely) OldCP May be down.
If none of those work, Then i dont know. Try asking Damen.


New User!
25 posts
Posted in warlord apply • 10th October 2015, 11:04 AM

wizle wrote on 10th October 2015 10:09 AM:
I ANDEWSPIKE whant to fight for warlord I am all fit manly check I have killed some one and
I don't cry -.-

I think I will win but others shall fight
Umm. Is this a joke? Sorry for the negativity, but this is not an application.
Here is an example of an application...
-1- Tell us your name and what you are applying
-2- Tell us how you are fit for the job
-3- Tell us how you will do a good job
-4- Tell us how mature you are and/or your age (optional)
And anything else you feel the need to add.
Good luck! ;)

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Putting too much romance in. • 8th October 2015, 08:35 PM

Halloweeneh Janie wrote on 8th October 2015 04:41 PM:
Hey guys. Some normal users are being kind of inapp. By doing romance stuff. Well i don't mean staff weddings are bad. Staff weddings are perfect for this. But some normal users pretend to have dates. And later on sometimes they have that s word. I do not wanna say it >.< I mean sometimes kids like 6,7,8 could be on this. I don't want kids to turn into miley cyrus >.< Oldcp is supposed to be a inapp free place. Today i spotted Kind of like a group of girls talking about bf's. And this guy kissed 2 girls before he left. Why??

P.S i'm putting this in help and support because its kind of like a little help and supportive or idk
I agree. But it is really just Roleplay. NOT THE S part, but bfs. You know girls XD

New User!
25 posts
Posted in OLDCP HORROR!? • 8th October 2015, 08:31 PM

I am interested! It sounds awesome!

New User!
25 posts
Posted in MIGHT NEED SURGERY AGAIN • 8th October 2015, 06:04 PM

:( I wish you the best of luck. And if it hurts you, Just have surgery and end the pain! I feel so bad for you :( may luck be with you.

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Music Video • 8th October 2015, 05:14 PM

MIND BLOWN! This video is awesome! All i had to do was watch the first minute of it and im already impressed. Keep the good work up!

New User!
25 posts
Posted in I Admit It • 8th October 2015, 05:04 PM

OldCPHelper wrote on 7th October 2015 08:58 PM:
Stuuntz said on 7th October 2015 08:18 PM:
roesner3 said on 7th October 2015 07:55 PM:
Hi Roesner Here!

And Yesterday i used fake likes again i did it cause i just wanna be a member but i guess i should not do that i was suspended today and i haven't learnt my lesson yet but i think bye the end of my suspension i will learn to not do that for real and if u guys could help me not get suspended like 5 times if u could maybe like my stuff (i know its bad to say that for likes but i just had to but if u could help me)

Well, you definitely should not use fake likes! And if you want to be a member, You have to get real likes! Try saying some nice things on peoples posts! Thats what gets me through.

And if you want to be a member, You have to get real likes! Try saying some nice things on peoples posts!

if he isn't allowed to post rude things in peoples posts' then how are you any different?
everyone is equal
That is not a reason to dislike.

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Account • 7th October 2015, 08:27 PM

Mr Jorde wrote on 6th October 2015 11:46 AM:
Thanks.. Also how do you get a picture? I have been wanting to know forever
Go to your profile and clich change profile picture ;)

New User!
25 posts
Posted in Truth or Snail Video • 7th October 2015, 08:20 PM

Great video! I hope to see more videos by you!