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Posted in Drama Magnet • 10th October 2015, 05:28 PM

Bonwe wrote on 10th October 2015 05:03 PM:
Hi guys, Bonwe here. Roesner just feeds on drama, he is a drama magnet. Can someone please do something with him. At town he is telling people to go to this mean forums account he made called "BonweIsWeird". Someone please deal with him. Also I told him to stop and he said "deal with it". Please someone needs to Ip-Ban him. He says he learned his lesson but he didn't. This is like the 100th complaint about him. So many people have problems with him. He also keeps taking my outfits and wearing them and pretending he is me saying "I'm stupid" and all this! Someone please!

This post itself is causing drama

New User!
7 posts
Posted in Drama! • 10th October 2015, 05:26 PM

but once on my account he seriously disliked like

8 Of my posts wow

and right now he just disliked 3 of my post

hes being really rude and not respecting he needs to be

In Jail-

He just needs to learn a lesson for not respecting others

and being innap bye saiyng '69'

New User!
7 posts
Posted in Drama! • 10th October 2015, 05:23 PM

Hi Roesner here!

Bonwe is reporting me about Drama Magnet but he actullay started all of this fighting

by saying "69" but yea this is crazy

Hes trying to get me IP-Banned wow

i dont have any proof because i dont have the program on this computer but in the Week i will get proof

i know bonwe is like popular or something

But he needs to learn to respect others

New User!
7 posts
Posted in Drama Magnet • 10th October 2015, 05:16 PM

Bonwe wrote on 10th October 2015 05:03 PM:
Hi guys, Bonwe here. Roesner just feeds on drama, he is a drama magnet. Can someone please do something with him. At town he is telling people to go to this mean forums account he made called "BonweIsWeird". Someone please deal with him. Also I told him to stop and he said "deal with it". Please someone needs to Ip-Ban him. He says he learned his lesson but he didn't. This is like the 100th complaint about him. So many people have problems with him. He also keeps taking my outfits and wearing them and pretending he is me saying "I'm stupid" and all this! Someone please!
actullay about that outfit thing I only did /outfit bonwe I didn't say "Im Stupid"

you just make it sound worse what a jerk

New User!
7 posts
Posted in I Admit It • 10th October 2015, 05:11 PM

eww wrote on 7th October 2015 08:37 PM:
idiot. u shud learn ur lesson

wow what a nice person


New User!
7 posts
Posted in Drama Magnet • 10th October 2015, 05:09 PM

hmmm let me think I did make a account named that just because I don't like you heres a couple reason :P
1. you try to get me IP Banned forever and u never have proof lol
2. you always have to post things everything about me
3. you keep talking to me

you just came up to me while I was talking to someone and started this stuff right now and yea

I think that you should stop!

You just came up to be and started talking

Yeah blame it all on me just for sitting there

for that account I made Just Deal With It

I have great days and u just ruin it bye trying to get me IP Banned

You only do it on me

How would you like it if I did this


*walks up and starts drama*

That's pretty much you

you need to learn maners

Respect Others!

New User!
7 posts
Posted in I Admit It • 7th October 2015, 07:55 PM

Hi Roesner Here!

And Yesterday i used fake likes again i did it cause i just wanna be a member but i guess i should not do that i was suspended today and i haven't learnt my lesson yet but i think bye the end of my suspention i will learn to not do that for real and if u guys could help me not get suspended like 5 times if u could maybe like my stuff (i know its bad to say that for likes but i just had to :( but if u could help me)