Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in GOK Stage 3: Results • 6th February 2016, 03:26 PM

I had so much fun and the stages were very interesting and not too hard :)

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Game Day!!! • 6th February 2016, 03:18 PM

I took part in this and it was some of the most fun and experience on oldcp :)

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in be yourself • 6th February 2016, 03:17 PM

exactly how i feel

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Medival Party! :D • 6th February 2016, 02:33 PM

Wow! the medieval party is now here on oldcp! probably one of my favorite parties in my childhood of club penguin but my most favorite was the festival of flight because the whole of the club penguin island was floating up in the sky and if you were a member you would get to go in a hot air balloon and receive the item: the jet pack. What i like about the medieval party is the mirror of truth but one disadvantage is that i asked it if i look cute and it said no so i smashed the mirror and when nobody was looking i replaced it... Sorry... XD...

whats your favorite club penguin party and why? but don't say Frozen party!" because that party was like the most annoying party ever and plus it was mostly a girl party and it was on newcp :/

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Stage! • 6th February 2016, 02:27 PM

Ok so i was wondering what your favorite play was in the stage? mine was the squidzoid because i loved the costumes and animations on the costumes

R.I.P Stage: November 16, 2007 - June 4, 2015

"we will miss you and forever hate the puffle o'berry mall..."


Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Gok • 5th February 2016, 06:32 PM

What was your favourite part in gok so far? i like the fact that the stages are fun and exiting!

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Animal Transform • 2nd February 2016, 06:26 PM

Rubie its me freddy click on my account and listen to the music XD

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Why You all Hate me? • 2nd February 2016, 01:34 PM

i dont hate u :(

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in The DS Family • 2nd February 2016, 01:28 PM

Here are all the nintendo ds's that have been invented!


Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Top 10 Things In Oldcp! • 30th January 2016, 01:37 PM

Hey guys im going to show you my top 10 list of what makes oldcp a cool website and its cool exclusive features! oh! and by the way im furlen but please call me yoshi from now on because i hate my old name :I

Number 10.

Puffles. oldcp is known for alot of things but what it isn't really known for is the puffles. you may be wondering what i like about the puffles.. well for one you can adopt them for free and they come in about 10 different colors. For 2 the graphics and design for the puffles are the old designs witch i prefer other to than newcp... And for three you don't have to constantly feed them on oldcp and lucky you don't dress them up and make them look like some creature with no fashion sense...

Number 9.

Hairstyles. Oldcp has about well ill say about 250 different hairstyles? and they are awesome well the old ones are *cough newcp cough*. The hairstyles sometimes even come with hats which i think is a cool feature and yes you might be saying "you can do that in newcp! >:(" well newsflash! newcp is extremely bad :I my favorite hairstyle comes from oldcp and i think it was made in 2007 and its called the sun striker! The names for the hairstyles are pretty cool, funny, random and sometimes very questionable.

Number 8.

Parties. Old cp has a party about 2-5 times a year and i love them because they are based on the old parties well you know the ones that were actually cool and fun. My favorite parties are: the Halloween party, holiday party, festival of flight and the water part. i like the music in the water party because its funny :) The one thing i like about about the oldcp parties is that you don't get a party every month because otherwise like newcp it will get annoying and you will always miss the way the town, plaza etc. used to look before the party.

Number 7.

Gold. another reason to stay online longer is to get gold and earn new upgrades in the game but we will talk about that later.. *wink wink ;) * gold is very easy to get because all you need to do is that you need to just stay online for an hour and BAM! 400 gold added to your account :) also you get gold every 15 mins just in-case if you the kind of person who just stays on for like 15 mins. I would like to see mini games in the future of oldcp but cool ones and make it so you get 10 gold or 20 depending if you win or loose.

Number 6.

Moderators. Some people think that mods are a bad thing but i think that its the best thing for cp because they help people that are new to cp and they arrest people or kick them if they have been causing trouble and dis obeying lord Damens rules. Moderators are good at taking you to places and i think that we should all give a thank you to them by making a day called "Moderator Day!" where we all have a big party for thanking the mods that have helped us and taught us new things on oldcp.

Number 5.

Knights. Knights are usually on cp a lot and they work hard a lot and they are amazing in battles and i like to watch them practicing in /jr training if you are willing to be trained by a knight you must ask them politely and always take yes or no at all times no matter what the situation of your training is for but they would also like to hear your application of reasons of why you should become a knight and what you will do if you become one.

Number 4.

Detectives. Detectives help solve crimes and they tlk to people that have been arrested and they also help with murders and attacks and they always crack the case *I wish i was a detective...* ahh! sorry i was day dreaming again XD where were we? ah yes knights! they have they're own events where you figure out codes to deactivate bombs that will blow up and destroy places witch worries some people but it is also an exiting even to take part in!

Number 3.

Meetings. In the throne room sometimes at certain weeks Damen invites everyone to come to meetings to discuss the future of oldcp. he talks about new knights, detectives, moderators and more! and he also talks about whether some people are going to get demoted o.o... anyway... Damen also likes to accept questions for the people who ask at the end of the session with i think is good because that way Damen is showing trust for you or others to go up and ask him something about oldcp or more things related to the DSGHQ.

Number 2.

Transformations. recently in the update 12.0 in oldcp damen added gold and trasformations and they are helpful, funny, cool and awesome! my favorite so far id the paint transformation because its cheap and easy to use but not for me because i have trouble sometimes with writing out big commands. the transformations soetimes have to lead eith real money but im fine with that beause the money could help with damen and him going to make cp more nicer and more updated :)

NUMBER 1!!! :D

Jrs. ah yes the wonderful world on old cp wait a minute the world of cp seems small because there isnt really many places to go to :I im bored... wait people are saying /jr and random places let me try! goes to jr damen woah! this place is awesome but its not on the map and nobodys here hmm lets try saying /activity wow this is cool i can see the most popular jrs this is awesome!

i hope you like my top 10 list of features in cp! also i would like to hear your feedback on this because i dont like to brag but this took me an hour to writ and my hands hurt now XD

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in McKinlee Art ~ 2 • 28th January 2016, 12:44 PM

Wow i rate this 10/10 because it looks like you spent a lot of time working on this cute picture keep up the good work :)

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in fnaf world • 28th January 2016, 12:40 PM

fnaf world has recently been taken off steam due to the fact that the game itself was not finished and didnt look all that great and when mr scott cawthon (creator of fnaf series) releaes fnaf world the application will be free! so my opinion on this is that im happy that the game will be rereleased and get a better upgrade because i didnt like the fact that the overworld was 8-bit but scott cawthon said that he will redesign the overworld and make it more hd and 3d graphics. I'd like to hear your opinion wether this is a good thing or not but i think that this is good news and not bad :)

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in FNAF charecters wanted in cp • 11th November 2015, 11:10 AM

oh sorry sparka i thought that u left XD

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in Detective Application :) • 11th November 2015, 10:45 AM

sammeh im not anymore

Nintendo Fan!
48 posts
Posted in FNAF charecters wanted in cp • 11th November 2015, 10:43 AM

hi everyone if u like fnaf and play oldcp we need more new charecters: chica, toy bonnie, balloon boy and balloon girl, toy freddy, all nightmare animatronics hope u join :)