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3 posts
Posted in [URGENT]My Bots Are Gone • 25th October 2015, 01:35 PM

Tent Clegane wrote on 21st October 2015 03:01 PM:
Hashir said you won't get the bots back, since the Dingo Dane prize doesn't last forever.

Sadly, they're gone.

I was told this was a forever prize by Damen's right hand. So, this is a lie. I won the Dingo Dane prize fair and square. I request contact with Damen, please.

New User!
3 posts
Posted in [URGENT]My Bots Are Gone • 21st October 2015, 02:54 PM

I have recently gotten my Thorin account back thanks to Lord of Clegane.

However, all of my Thorin bots are gone, which was the main point of this prize. Without it, it is just a normal account.

How do I reactivate my bots? Do I need to speak to anyone in particular?

Thank you.


New User!
3 posts
Posted in [URGENT]Thorin Got Taken Away. • 19th October 2015, 03:38 PM

Hello! This is IWasThorin, also known as Callil.
To verify this information, please confide with Mckinlee. I know her personally.

I won the Dingo Challenge a while back and won the coveted Thorin account.
When I tried to log into it, it was gone. When I asked Mckinlee what happened, they said that they had to reset it.

Because I won this challenge fair and square, I believe that I deserve the Thorin account and am wondering when I am going to get it back.
