~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in I'm Quiting. • 3rd February 2016, 08:08 PM

Rey wrote on 3rd February 2016 08:03 PM:
Wolffer Sunset said on 3rd February 2016 08:02 PM:
I wish i had met you when you were here. You seem like a nice person and I hope life brightens up . She has got on my nerves to, but I got over it . I hope you come back someday so I can meet you because I really want to

who has gotten on ur nerves?

That time you accused me and blah blah. But I'm okay now because you're a nice person :D

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in I'm Quiting. • 3rd February 2016, 08:02 PM

I wish i had met you when you were here. You seem like a nice person and I hope life brightens up :3. She has got on my nerves to, but I got over it :). I hope you come back someday so I can meet you because I really want to :P

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Sunset GOK • 3rd February 2016, 06:59 PM

Rosie89 wrote on 3rd February 2016 05:50 PM:
Wolffer Sunset said on 3rd February 2016 04:18 PM:
Hello I'm Wolffer (Leader of sunset GOK). Today i am looking for some more members!

Co Leader: Misteh/Pewdiepie


"Let the sun set, & the moon rise."

Members (So far)



More will be added in the future, hopefully..


Channel: SunsetGOM ( I did a typo for GOM i meant GOK.
Chat: Drejk.com/SunnySet

Mail either me or Misteh/Pewdiepie an appilication in PM, on the forums! If not and you have a GOK team. We wish the best of luck!!

~Wolffie & Misteh/Pewdiepie

Yay! Go SunsetGOK!


~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Quitting • 3rd February 2016, 04:30 PM

LemmyLime wrote on 3rd February 2016 04:28 PM:
Hello and Goodbye, in a way. I just wanted to tell you guys that I am quitting because of personal reasons. I will miss you guys and dsghq! Bye I love you guys

bye my baes

Saweh : ILY SAWEH you will always be y anime sista!

QueenBlue : Bye my blue queen! ily *gives blue lemon*

Baffed : you are the most funniest bae I have ever had! and the most adorable (;

Jade110 : " YOU NEED SOME MILK " ily too!

ollo : MEW!!! You are the best Magical Bunny friend

Habsolo : *shoots laser beams at* i'll miss you!!

Poolpie : I've known you since you were "crazytime" Ty for being my bae!!

otaku : AKA: GoldFish77 Best senpai ever!! ILY


Sorry if I forgot you I'm kind of in a rush..

I'll TRY and visit when I can to say hi!

Ok bye guys!


Even tho I neva met u i wills miss u. *cri's*

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Game of Knights [GOK] • 3rd February 2016, 04:24 PM

FINALLY KNOW THE DATE :D. I will be competing if Misteh & i can get more members :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Sunset GOK • 3rd February 2016, 04:18 PM

Hello I'm Wolffer (Leader of sunset GOK). Today i am looking for some more members!
Co Leader: Misteh/Pewdiepie
"Let the sun set, & the moon rise."

Members (So far)


More will be added in the future, hopefully..

Channel: SunsetGOM ( I did a typo for GOM i meant GOK.
Chat: Drejk.com/SunnySet

Mail either me or Misteh/Pewdiepie an appilication in PM, on the forums! If not and you have a GOK team. We wish the best of luck!!

~Wolffie & Misteh/Pewdiepie

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Drejk Moderator Application • 3rd February 2016, 02:49 PM


~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Flower Shop! • 3rd February 2016, 02:47 PM

Cool person wrote on 2nd February 2016 09:29 PM:
Hi everyone so today I am drawing cool flowers. In real life there 3d so my profile picture is an example.
I will color yours with the 1 or 2 colors you chose
,(if you have another color you want tell me)
These are 3 gold
I hope you buy one! P.S if you don't want yours colored then tell me
And the first person who asks for one gets it for FREE!
Thank you and bye! have a good day!
~ Goldenone

I would like a Pink & Blue one :3 I'll pay right now

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The creek in the woods #6 • 2nd February 2016, 03:37 PM

Chapter #6, Freezing down in the basement

Ally Samantha, & the husky were very quiet. Untill Samantha said. " Guys, is it safe down here I mean, why am i talking to the husky? Anyways is it, because it's freezing." " I'm pretty sure..". Ally said.Samantha got out the old, patched blankets for each her, Ally, & the husky. "Wanna sing a funny song, it might cheer us up?" Samantha asked. " DUHHH :D." Ally said. "My old lady she had nu teeth do da doo da!" They all sang. "Okay, so now we're freezing down in a basement." the husky said. "WAIT HOW WHAT WHEN WHY CAN THIS DOG TALK??!?!?!?" Ally screamed. "REALLY?? DONT ASK MEEEH."SAMANTHA SCREAMED. But she shouldn't of because the man had been outside, and heard her scream..

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Omg u gotta read • 2nd February 2016, 02:33 PM


~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Poem • 1st February 2016, 07:32 PM

Enjoyed every piece of it :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in SCARY DONT READ • 1st February 2016, 07:27 PM

sbarroII wrote on 1st February 2016 07:24 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 1st February 2016 02:36 PM:

it wasnt that scary im sure i didnt even bang my head aginst the wall

You didn't get it.. It was a joke, & the grammar and the sarcasm made it hilarious...

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Why You all Hate me? • 1st February 2016, 06:30 PM

Prince Sriram Drake wrote on 1st February 2016 05:48 PM:
Why You all Hate Me?

Everyone Hates me, Abuses me, Disrespects me, Aren't nice to me, Stop hating me please, I don't know why You guys hate me, I been Here Supporting all of you, Day and Night, And this what i get In Return? Thanks for the Kind Treats Guys(!)
Hope you Understand This.

It's okay. You're bae, bae's are strong, their are like 90000000 bae's in teh world :3 ands 1 is chu :D

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in HELP I FORGOT MY PASSWORD • 1st February 2016, 05:42 PM

I hope you get your accounts password. Next time try making a ticket :)

Heres the link to make a ticket VVVV

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The creek in the woods #5 • 1st February 2016, 05:24 PM

Chapter #5, Maybe not so more...
*Ring ring*. The phone rang. Ally looked at the phone and she read the number."978-1098-8653" Ally read. " Isn't that the evil mans phone number" Samantha asked. "Maybe lets answer" Ally suggested. Ally answered the call, & they were correct, it was the evil man. "Hello Ally, do you have me my quick sand..?" he asked deeply but trying to act kind. "Uhm.. *Samantha pointed to her lips and said don't tell him!!. No I uh, uh.." Ally tried saying. " So you don't have it, I thought we made a deal?? Where do you live?" He asked "UH UHMMM... TIM-BUCK-TWO!" Ally said trying not to laugh. "Are you lying to me?" He said. " THE ONLY LIAR IS YOU JERK!" Ally screamed." Phew, good call Ally,but he will look for us so,we have to gather up a lot of supplies and go into the basement for a while so if he breaks in he can't find us!" Samantha said. Ally & Samantha gathered a lot of supplies, such as food,water,pillows,old blankets,games,& they brought their husky to. Then they locked the basement door. the door was maxi glass & it's only one way glass so only they can see the evil man. "We're not so safe anymore, lets hope we survive...." Samantha said deep, but quietly.