~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Perfect - Poem by Wolffie • 29th January 2016, 03:03 PM

Perfect ~ Wolffie
You may think you're shallow and hollow without a meaning
So desperate to be as bright as the sun.
Crying here and there but you don't realize
Nobody's perfect, but you are as bright as the sun
I hope you enjoyed this poem I made feel free to dislike or like. Thanks for reading my poem! ~Wolffie

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Mordor - Land of shadows • 29th January 2016, 02:56 PM

Mordor- the land of shadows

Mordor was a black, volcanic plain, and is a fictional realm in Lords of the rings and more things! It's in the South-west of Middle-earth. It is also commonly called "The land Of Shadows".

I hope you can understand what I just wrote :3 Bye!

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Is That News? #1 • 28th January 2016, 08:40 PM

Misteh wrote on 23rd January 2016 11:21 AM:
I've restarted my News Reports (again)
I've upgraded it!
I've put it on a website!!!

Home Page:
There is a home page, telling you to go to the page About
There is a button in the home page which you may click to go back to forums

About Page:
The About page, shares the news that I have written!

Contact Page:
This page tells you where you can contact me to give me news or anything like that!!

Here is the website

~ Misteh

Bae you deserve News reporter like a farting donkey eating cheesey pie :3 this was bae.

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in OldCP Moderator Application • 28th January 2016, 08:33 PM

Tbh this is one of the best applications I have ever seen, you deserve this rank more than flying pigs... Actully I want flying pigs so.. Farting donkeys :3. Good luck!


~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Bullying is NOT okay. • 28th January 2016, 07:23 PM

SirSkippy wrote on 28th January 2016 07:14 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 28th January 2016 06:44 PM:
SirSkippy said on 28th January 2016 06:28 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 28th January 2016 06:19 PM:
SirSkippy said on 28th January 2016 06:15 PM:
Hello everyone,

I have had a few reports of bullying lately and this really needs to stop. I know there is many posts about bullying but it needs to be said once again.

You may not be realizing it but whenever you are gossiping, talk behide someone's back it can really hurt someone even more if you do it over and over again. Oldcp doesn't allow bullying or even ANYWHERE. Think twice before you say someone rude to someone. Even if they hurt you don't hurt them back it still isn't right. This needs to stop. If anyone sees someone getting bullied please take action by standing up and reporting to a mod with proof and witnesses.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone is either hurting you physically or verbal. There are many types of bullying but right now cyberbullying is what's happening on oldcp.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope everything clears up and like always...
Keep Skipping on!

Oh Sorry I disliked your comment! I meant to like! You should report who is bullying you to a mod it isn't right. ( I'm truly sorry for disliking it omg )

This is an amazing post touching, and caring. But no matter how much we spread the word some cruel people will never stop. I'ts very sad and the people that bully should really know that they can hurt someone very bad. I get bullied but i ignore it because i know he is just doing it to make him feel strong. Anyways amazing post! Keep up the good work .

Why did you dislike.. I was complimenting you and I said your post was good .

Ahh! I'm so sorry I meant to hit the like button!!

Oh it's okay I've done that before :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Sharing Passwords • 28th January 2016, 06:56 PM

Kara Kacket wrote on 24th January 2016 03:40 PM:
Hello. Today it has come to my attention that some users think it is okay to share passwords with their friends.

It is not. Passwords should be kept to only you and the administrators.

Sharing your password could lead to your account being banned. If a user has gone on your account, after you have let them, and they do something bad, it will get you in trouble, as well as them.

This goes to all with ranks, especially PW, so please do not share passwords with each other. It is a safety threat to us, to your information, and the eligibility of you ranking up goes down.

If you have shared a password with another user, and you have their password, make a ticket. Your passwords will be changed. You can go here to make a ticket. http://damenspike.com/newticket/

Please remember that it is a rule to not share passwords with others, and if you do so, you will possibly face punishment. It is not our responsibility to restore the things lost on your account if you give the password to the wrong person.

Thank you,
- Kara

This is very true and very helpful to the community so they can know how dangerous it is to share passwords :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in LEE IS BAK • 28th January 2016, 06:50 PM


~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Bullying is NOT okay. • 28th January 2016, 06:44 PM

SirSkippy wrote on 28th January 2016 06:28 PM:
Wolffie Sunset said on 28th January 2016 06:19 PM:
SirSkippy said on 28th January 2016 06:15 PM:
Hello everyone,

I have had a few reports of bullying lately and this really needs to stop. I know there is many posts about bullying but it needs to be said once again.

You may not be realizing it but whenever you are gossiping, talk behide someone's back it can really hurt someone even more if you do it over and over again. Oldcp doesn't allow bullying or even ANYWHERE. Think twice before you say someone rude to someone. Even if they hurt you don't hurt them back it still isn't right. This needs to stop. If anyone sees someone getting bullied please take action by standing up and reporting to a mod with proof and witnesses.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone is either hurting you physically or verbal. There are many types of bullying but right now cyberbullying is what's happening on oldcp.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope everything clears up and like always...
Keep Skipping on!

Oh Sorry I disliked your comment! I meant to like! You should report who is bullying you to a mod it isn't right. ( I'm truly sorry for disliking it omg )

This is an amazing post touching, and caring. But no matter how much we spread the word some cruel people will never stop. I'ts very sad and the people that bully should really know that they can hurt someone very bad. I get bullied but i ignore it because i know he is just doing it to make him feel strong. Anyways amazing post! Keep up the good work .

Why did you dislike.. I was complimenting you and I said your post was good :(.

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in A Lesson of Love • 28th January 2016, 06:22 PM

This is very true. My enemy shows love to me.. xD

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Bullying is NOT okay. • 28th January 2016, 06:19 PM

SirSkippy wrote on 28th January 2016 06:15 PM:
Hello everyone,

I have had a few reports of bullying lately and this really needs to stop. I know there is many posts about bullying but it needs to be said once again.

You may not be realizing it but whenever you are gossiping, talk behide someone's back it can really hurt someone even more if you do it over and over again. Oldcp doesn't allow bullying or even ANYWHERE. Think twice before you say someone rude to someone. Even if they hurt you don't hurt them back it still isn't right. This needs to stop. If anyone sees someone getting bullied please take action by standing up and reporting to a mod with proof and witnesses.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone is either hurting you physically or verbal. There are many types of bullying but right now cyberbullying is what's happening on oldcp.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope everything clears up and like always...
Keep Skipping on!

This is an amazing post touching, and caring. But no matter how much we spread the word some cruel people will never stop. I'ts very sad and the people that bully should really know that they can hurt someone very bad. I get bullied but i ignore it because i know he is just doing it to make him feel strong. :3 Anyways amazing post! Keep up the good work :).

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in The creek in the woods #1 • 28th January 2016, 06:12 PM

Chapter 1: What lies in the woods..
Samantha and her friend Ally were just walking down the calm,relaxing path down into the spreaded out woods. Then they went to sit down on one of the rickety old benches from the late 1900's. It had grew moss on it.Then Ally heard a sound, "Uhm Samantha, what's that you've been here before you should know,right?" Ally asked."To be honest,I really don't know, do you wanna go check it out?" Samantha asked in a curious voice."Sure I guess,but what if..." She tried to say as Samantha interrupted her. "Okay come on! *Samantha runs as she pulls Ally*" Samantha said. When they got there they were scared,and desperate to go away, but they just stood and stared at the moist ground and the creek almost a foot away from them....
This is my first show i have ever done so comment down below if you hated it or tell me if I should continue this show :3. Hope you enjoyed! ~Wolffie

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in DSGHQ MC Server - Official Guide and Information • 28th January 2016, 04:50 PM

Hashir wrote on 21st January 2016 06:13 PM:
Damen Spike Games HQ is proud to present you with a Minecraft server specifically made for DSGHQ! The name of the server is "Damencraft" or "DSGHQ Royal Server". We are a small community but we are really fun to play with. I'm sure if you play Minecraft PC, you would also enjoy!

General Information

Hackers used a superpickaxe to grief the server, so the server has been Whitelisted. Basically, a whitelist is made so only people listed will be able to join the server. To become whitelisted, you must ask one of the following people:





The IP address of the server is mc.dsghq.com. We have a Server Resource pack which is optional but it'll make your textures nicer.


The Staff list is very basic and this is how it goes:

^Owner - DamenSpike
^^Co-Owner - darthpadme (aka Raindrop)
^^^Warden of Minecraft - Mintempire (aka me)
^^^^Warden Helper - AwesomeMilkshake (aka BP)
^^^^^Head Operators - Kris & Bob

Cities & Warping

The server doesn't have many cities besides 3, Terracraft, Pinewood, and Oppidum. There are however, lots of buildings around the world which you can warp to with the /warp command. To check a total list of warps is /warps.


There are 4 ways to get punished for rule breaking:

Muting - You will not be able to talk for a certain amount of time
Jail - Similar to OldCP's jail, but better
Kicking - Kicking off the server, similar to OldCP
Banning - Banning from the server


Rules can be found in game through the spawn or /rules


These are the following plugins Damencraft has:


Useful Commands for Users

/rules - Displays rules
/time - Tells what minecraft time it is
/clearinventory - Clears your inventory
/msg {username} {message} - sends a message to a user online
/mail send {username} {mail} - sends a mail to any user
/mail read - Read your mail

There are many more useful commands. Enjoy the server!

-Warden Hashir
I would like to join but they might untrust me because I'm a rookie but I used to be a member ): Btw my username is LDshadowcat if you do let me in :3

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Ban Appeal • 27th January 2016, 09:41 PM

I'm happy you know you did something bad, good luck :).

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Love • 27th January 2016, 03:42 PM

Here is an old post I made in the past enjoy!
Do people know what the true meaning of love is? Because a lot of people think love is about kissing and... Stuff... So really love means to be there for someone and be happy that you have someone that cares for you, I mean a kiss maybe a couple times a day but not non stop. But anyone can believe in what they think love is but this is my opinion, because I think people should desire their soulmate girlfriend boyfriend ect. for their love not their lips... I should end now before this gets disturbing.

~We were born to be real, not perfect. c:~
79 posts
Posted in Herobrine • 27th January 2016, 03:28 PM

Hello I'm Wolffie (you may remeber me from to forums ago xD)
Today I will tell you about herobrine(I personally think it is a myth no offence anyone)
Herobrine is a character that is the creators brother Notch and is jelous because everyone loves Notch and hates him because Notch is nice & Wouldn't make the game all about himself, but Herobrine would probably make the game about greifing and the steve skin would probaby be herobrine and the game would be Minebrine. Just to let you know this is only my opinion
Am I doing this for the baghe, Maybe you will never know.