Emily45's Posts

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New User!
2 posts
Posted in moderator application • 6th November 2015, 10:16 AM

Hello, I am Emily45. I would love the become a moderator. I love OldCP, Damen, and every single person on OldCP! I wish to pertect every single person. I do not like hacks or anything. I hate when people, spam, cuss, steal peoples saved items, and just be rude! I really want to help out OldCP! I want to pertect every single penguin, or user on there. I do like having to go a mod, (like Sadie, or Terry91) to help me, and help me pertect every penguin. I have a lot of experience with people spamming, and hacking. I only wish become a mod, to help save OldCP, be there for penguins, and pertect them. The commands I know is, /arrest Khole45, /goto Khole45 (I'm using Khole for example). I know some reasons why to arrest people to, because penguins hack, and be super rude, even asked nicely to stop. They always spam, and never stop when asked to. I also want help keep penguins out of the secret rooms, like the dark office, and the one under the fire at the cove. I want all penguins to stay safe, I love each and every one of them!

My user on Play.oldcp.biz is, Emily45

New User!
2 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 4th November 2015, 06:01 PM

Hi. I am Emily45 on cp. I would like to be a mod because, there are so many people who spam, be rude, and cuss on the website. They don't understand the rules. Even after warned, they spam so much more. My experience is, that so many penguins spam. I always need to talk to a mod, to help me out. I only ask to be a mod, nothing else.