Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Detective Application • 12th March 2016, 11:57 AM

nice app good luck getting detective :)

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in OldCP Beta Test Party • 12th March 2016, 08:54 AM

Damen Drake wrote on 7th March 2016 12:17 PM:
OldCP Beta Party!

We are going to re-live the Beta Party on OldCP with a surprise bunch of new things like the Beta Party Room at Town and new items!

Friday 11th of March - Sunday 13th of March

Starts Friday 5 PM EST and ends at 5 PM EST Sunday

ICY will present the new items to enjoy! Tell your friends because it's going to be a big party at the town.

I invite Empress Chelsey and all Princes and Princesses of the Empire. Along with all the administrators and moderators of the DSGHQ and OldCP. I also invite Zuke of CP Armies, Roberto of CP Armies and DrMatt of CP Armies.
it feels like my oldcp account is old i should get grammy glasses grammy hair,grammy everything

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Gallery of the Houses • 12th March 2016, 08:49 AM

TwentyTwoPilots wrote on 9th March 2016 05:54 PM:
Damen Drake said on 8th March 2016 07:56 PM:
Gallery of the Houses

Welcome to the first Gallery of the Houses! This event is important for every House with household guards to show off their House and it's warriors. (Not just the ones in the cover photo)

There will be a two part ceremony at this Gallery. First will be the show off ceremony, where the Lord of each House will present their Household Guard to the Emperor and Empress and speak about how great they are.

Then, each House will elect one member of their House Guard to fight in a tournament.

After the show off ceremony and tournament, the Empress will decide which House was most impressive. The House she selects will win the Champion's Purse of 500,000 DSGHQ Gold as courtesy of the Imperial Bank!

The winning House will also feature their banner at the Royal Courtyard for a week. And Knighthoods may be given too!

House Drake will be hosting the event and will not be part of the Gallery, but the House Guards of House Drake may present for House Stags.

What are you waiting for?
Get into the Gallery of the Houses!

Saturday 12th March 2016

4 PM EST (Show off ceremony)
5 PM EST (Tournament)

Please come to this event! It will be held at the Ski Village of OldCP.

If you are a Lord of a House, make sure your team and House Hold Guard can come. The more House Guards you have, the better your House will look.

Is Freehawks in it? Just wondering because I didnt see it in the picture thing.
u seriously didnt see the orange wings right in the front ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Gallery of the Houses • 12th March 2016, 08:48 AM

Damen Drake wrote on 8th March 2016 07:56 PM:
Gallery of the Houses

Welcome to the first Gallery of the Houses! This event is important for every House with household guards to show off their House and it's warriors. (Not just the ones in the cover photo)

There will be a two part ceremony at this Gallery. First will be the show off ceremony, where the Lord of each House will present their Household Guard to the Emperor and Empress and speak about how great they are.

Then, each House will elect one member of their House Guard to fight in a tournament.

After the show off ceremony and tournament, the Empress will decide which House was most impressive. The House she selects will win the Champion's Purse of 500,000 DSGHQ Gold as courtesy of the Imperial Bank!

The winning House will also feature their banner at the Royal Courtyard for a week. And Knighthoods may be given too!

House Drake will be hosting the event and will not be part of the Gallery, but the House Guards of House Drake may present for House Stags.

What are you waiting for?
Get into the Gallery of the Houses!

Saturday 12th March 2016

4 PM EST (Show off ceremony)
5 PM EST (Tournament)

Please come to this event! It will be held at the Ski Village of OldCP.

If you are a Lord of a House, make sure your team and House Hold Guard can come. The more House Guards you have, the better your House will look.
cool event ... thats all i gotta say...

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Plz Band Me #1 • 12th March 2016, 08:41 AM

daisy wrote on 11th March 2016 07:12 PM:
Hello, and welcome to my new show series called plz band me! Wondering why I came up with this name? Well a while ago a new user on Oldcp was telling a Moderator to "band" him. So his words inspired me to create this show because it reminds me of when I used to call ban, band. Enjoy

im alex and i am new to this oldcp thing. although i know less i like bothering mods and i want to know what its like to be banded. *spams snowballs*

I am eve and I am trying to gain Moderator. *Sees noob spamming snowballs*
"Please don't throw more then 4+ snowballs! It is called spamming!" I say to the noob.

I am Rihanna, a Moderator on Oldcp. I am currently the only Mod on atm and a noob just spammed. "Please don't spam snowballs alex."

"shut up eve, don't tell me what to do ;(." *continues spamming and ignores Moderator*

"alex, don't be rude and stop spamming snowballs. You will be punished if you continue this behavior."
Doesn't this noob get it already?

"No! Band me then!"

/arrest alex
*logs off to do homework*

Later with the noob alex at jail...
cool series so far i rlly like it

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in ART CONTEST • 11th March 2016, 08:59 PM

also you look like as if you were my identical twin (i dont have any twin sisters) u look almost exactly like me

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in ART CONTEST • 11th March 2016, 08:57 PM

Sir Muffinz wrote on 11th March 2016 07:14 PM:
im hosting an art contest

doesn't have to be that pose but y'know


i wold like to participate but i dont really draw good if i did drw good i wuld enter

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Donald Trump Rules • 11th March 2016, 08:02 PM

ouchie wrote on 10th March 2016 08:04 PM:
pom said on 10th March 2016 07:49 PM:
pom said on 10th March 2016 07:45 PM:
ouchie said on 9th March 2016 09:41 PM:
Queenblue said on 9th March 2016 08:55 PM:
Hi! We all have different opinions but may we avoid making posts like these so there is no drama?

Erm i dont wanna avoid.

pom said on 9th March 2016 09:02 PM:
ouchie said on 9th March 2016 08:16 PM:
Donald Trump is the best candidate ever. He will truly make America great. He is not racist, and he will not start world war III. In this time of stagnant economy and international turmoil, america needs a strong executive with superior business skills and a tough demeanor. [url=/MakeAmericaGreatAgain





your lying have u even heard any of his speeches at the debates? have you even heard that he says that he wants to deport the immigrants also hes very stupid because most of america are immigrants and hes gonna take away citizenships. ik im not great at math but this equation is - trump becomes president + immigrants deported + taking away citizenships = noone left in America,honestly i think that anyone else would make a better president than him also like i said half of the united states is immigrants which could include your family and if u were born in the united states you wont have a citizenship anymore so youll have to move to another country also i still know im not a genius at math but this equation is also true noone in America + trump becoming president = no more America #gotakeadumptrump heres a short poem i made about trump : tif trump sucks ducks then he should go take a dump[/quote]
Okay, well no, donald trump wont ban muslims. That is not true. He said that he would temporarily ban immigration from countries that have terrorists. This way no more terrorists come into the country. He is not making anyone leave.

Matthewvacc said on 9th March 2016 09:00 PM:

Why do you like Bernie?[/quote] bc Bernie would make a better president than trump in his opinion and in my opinion tbh i think that anyone would make a good president but trump trump is just a con artist hes mean to women hes racist and he wnats to deport the immigarnts but guess what hes stupid bc basically hes deporting his wife too an his daughter and more if he becomes president then no one is left in the U.S.A. if u search up negative things about donald trump youll see all the negative things about him hes also a digusting old hag everytime i look at him i literally get goosebumps and shrivel into dust hes just a 3 yr old whos a stupid tantrum about a stupid thing i cant even think of more but hes definetly more ppl only vote him bc of his outsides here are some reasons that ppl vote for him
1.he speaks his 3 yr old mind
2.apparently hes gorgeous (hes actually an ugly old hag in disguise)

also heres a question for u : why do u like trump ?[/quote] 1st of all he will ban muslims 2nd of all why would he ban immigration that stupid and if ppl immigrate they wnat to escape from the terrorists and if they come here the terrorists wont follow[/quote]

There are more countries than just the U.S. If they want to escape, theres always Canada and other countries. And no, the terrorists won't follow. They will jsut come here to kill people.[/quote] did you just read what i said bc what you wrote just made no sense its likes me saying ppl dont kill pigs to make pork (which is sad :( )

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Tournaments and Events! • 10th March 2016, 08:03 PM

Jesse wrote on 8th March 2016 09:59 PM:
Tournaments and Events

Gallery of the Houses

There will be an exciting tournament featuring great warriors from all houses!

Saturday March 12 2016

Begins at 4PM EST.

Ski Village

500,000 DSGHQ gold!
Winning house will feature their house banner in the courtyard for a week!

Tip: The more house guards you have that show up, the better your house will look.

Battle for Ownership of House Freehawk

Due to the lord of house Freehawk going bizarre, Emperor Damen has announced there will be an epic tournament to determine the new lord of House Freehawk.

Friday 11th March

4 PM EST / 9 PM UK / 1 PM PST

If you think you are brave enough, reply to this post and you may be selected to fight.


Beta Test Party!

Since most of us missed the actual beta party from 2005, we are going to re-live the beta party on Oldcp.biz! There will be a new beta room and we will also be introduced by some new custom items created by ICY and Damen!

Friday 11th of March - Sunday 13th of March

Starts Friday 5 PM EST and ends at 5 PM EST Sunday

Game of Mods Snaildom Results

Game of mods was a couple of days ago. With Team Sushi fired, it was Ren and Fairytale left in the game. After hours of tasks, xpapachis and HaruhiFujioka.

News Feed
does that mean that the whole house gets the prize like they split it or something or like just the warriors get the dsghq gold

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in OldCP - Get a sword • 10th March 2016, 07:53 PM

JJ1013 wrote on 10th March 2016 07:32 PM:
I was on OldCP since 2015's vacations.
same as me welcome to my world !! :) also theres an outfit with a sword but yif you dont have sword powers then u cant use the sword it will be useless also you can learn alot from just a few months am i right jj ?

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in OldCP - Get a sword • 10th March 2016, 07:51 PM

JJ1013 wrote on 10th March 2016 01:05 PM:
I want to be a knight, or have a sword, and talking about the discussion, i want to ask things about the sword, of being a knight.

1. There's sword instructions, or any user tells you how to use a sword?
2. Yes, you can be demoted from knight if you kill a good penguin, but, you can lose your sword if you do that?
3. Where i can do knight activities to get a sword?
4. How do i heal?
5. It's possible to respawn a penguin?

PD: Yes, i asked Bri how to control the sword, but i forget how to use it.
But i still don't have a sword.
well i dont think u can respawn a penguin thats for sure unless u delete that penguin and recreate it

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Donald Trump Rules • 10th March 2016, 07:49 PM

pom wrote on 10th March 2016 07:45 PM:
ouchie said on 9th March 2016 09:41 PM:
Queenblue said on 9th March 2016 08:55 PM:
Hi! We all have different opinions but may we avoid making posts like these so there is no drama?

Erm i dont wanna avoid.

pom said on 9th March 2016 09:02 PM:
ouchie said on 9th March 2016 08:16 PM:
Donald Trump is the best candidate ever. He will truly make America great. He is not racist, and he will not start world war III. In this time of stagnant economy and international turmoil, america needs a strong executive with superior business skills and a tough demeanor. [url=/MakeAmericaGreatAgain



your lying have u even heard any of his speeches at the debates? have you even heard that he says that he wants to deport the immigrants also hes very stupid because most of america are immigrants and hes gonna take away citizenships. ik im not great at math but this equation is - trump becomes president + immigrants deported + taking away citizenships = noone left in America,honestly i think that anyone else would make a better president than him also like i said half of the united states is immigrants which could include your family and if u were born in the united states you wont have a citizenship anymore so youll have to move to another country also i still know im not a genius at math but this equation is also true noone in America + trump becoming president = no more America #gotakeadumptrump heres a short poem i made about trump : tif trump sucks ducks then he should go take a dump[/quote]
Okay, well no, donald trump wont ban muslims. That is not true. He said that he would temporarily ban immigration from countries that have terrorists. This way no more terrorists come into the country. He is not making anyone leave.

Matthewvacc said on 9th March 2016 09:00 PM:

Why do you like Bernie?[/quote] bc Bernie would make a better president than trump in his opinion and in my opinion tbh i think that anyone would make a good president but trump trump is just a con artist hes mean to women hes racist and he wnats to deport the immigarnts but guess what hes stupid bc basically hes deporting his wife too an his daughter and more if he becomes president then no one is left in the U.S.A. if u search up negative things about donald trump youll see all the negative things about him hes also a digusting old hag everytime i look at him i literally get goosebumps and shrivel into dust hes just a 3 yr old whos a stupid tantrum about a stupid thing i cant even think of more but hes definetly more ppl only vote him bc of his outsides here are some reasons that ppl vote for him
1.he speaks his 3 yr old mind
2.apparently hes gorgeous (hes actually an ugly old hag in disguise)

also heres a question for u : why do u like trump ?[/quote] 1st of all he will ban muslims 2nd of all why would he ban immigration that stupid and if ppl immigrate they wnat to escape from the terrorists and if they come here the terrorists wont follow

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Donald Trump Rules • 10th March 2016, 07:45 PM

ouchie wrote on 9th March 2016 09:41 PM:
Queenblue said on 9th March 2016 08:55 PM:
Hi! We all have different opinions but may we avoid making posts like these so there is no drama?

Erm i dont wanna avoid.

pom said on 9th March 2016 09:02 PM:
ouchie said on 9th March 2016 08:16 PM:
Donald Trump is the best candidate ever. He will truly make America great. He is not racist, and he will not start world war III. In this time of stagnant economy and international turmoil, america needs a strong executive with superior business skills and a tough demeanor. [url=/MakeAmericaGreatAgain


your lying have u even heard any of his speeches at the debates? have you even heard that he says that he wants to deport the immigrants also hes very stupid because most of america are immigrants and hes gonna take away citizenships. ik im not great at math but this equation is - trump becomes president + immigrants deported + taking away citizenships = noone left in America,honestly i think that anyone else would make a better president than him also like i said half of the united states is immigrants which could include your family and if u were born in the united states you wont have a citizenship anymore so youll have to move to another country also i still know im not a genius at math but this equation is also true noone in America + trump becoming president = no more America #gotakeadumptrump heres a short poem i made about trump : tif trump sucks ducks then he should go take a dump[/quote]
Okay, well no, donald trump wont ban muslims. That is not true. He said that he would temporarily ban immigration from countries that have terrorists. This way no more terrorists come into the country. He is not making anyone leave.

Matthewvacc said on 9th March 2016 09:00 PM:

Why do you like Bernie?[/quote] bc Bernie would make a better president than trump in his opinion and in my opinion tbh i think that anyone would make a good president but trump trump is just a con artist hes mean to women hes racist and he wnats to deport the immigarnts but guess what hes stupid bc basically hes deporting his wife too an his daughter and more if he becomes president then no one is left in the U.S.A. if u search up negative things about donald trump youll see all the negative things about him hes also a digusting old hag everytime i look at him i literally get goosebumps and shrivel into dust hes just a 3 yr old whos a stupid tantrum about a stupid thing i cant even think of more but hes definetly more ppl only vote him bc of his outsides here are some reasons that ppl vote for him
1.he speaks his 3 yr old mind
2.apparently hes gorgeous (hes actually an ugly old hag in disguise)

also heres a question for u : why do u like trump ?

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Beta Party!! • 10th March 2016, 07:28 PM

Vibe wrote on 10th March 2016 03:44 PM:
pom said on 9th March 2016 09:41 PM:
Vibe said on 9th March 2016 09:09 PM:
ICY's wearing some sick customs 0.0 apparently they're being introduced by him at the party! Can't wait. Oh yeah its Friday - Sunday if you didn't know. Whose excited I know I am

cool ill be there for the party but the question is what time is the party also is it this friday-sunday

yea this Friday - sunday and I think it starts at 12
thx for answering my questions

Queen Of The Palm Trees
87 posts
Posted in Beta Party!! • 9th March 2016, 09:41 PM

Vibe wrote on 9th March 2016 09:09 PM:
ICY's wearing some sick customs 0.0 apparently they're being introduced by him at the party! Can't wait. Oh yeah its Friday - Sunday if you didn't know. Whose excited I know I am
cool ill be there for the party but the question is what time is the party also is it this friday-sunday