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Posted in The Emperor's Guards • 25th January 2016, 02:31 PM

Damen Drake wrote on 25th January 2016 10:11 AM:
There is a new order of Knights called The Emperor's Guards. (They are the successors of the Black Guards).

They are the highest trained warriors in the Empire. This will mean there will be more standard Knights after the Emperor's Guards as all of the current Knights are our best warriors. None Knights can also apply.

How to join the Emperor's Guards
First of all, you must be trained well enough to qualify as a regular Knight (if not one already, you will be made one).

Lord Commander Prince Sriram is in charge of selecting the candidates. These candidates will then undergo the trial of The Emperor's Guards. It will be to fight and successfully defeat a highly trained boss. If you fail, you loose the chance for a few months.

When will I be tried?
If you are selected, then you will be able to join the trials of The Emperor's Guards after all the candidates are selected by Lord Commander Prince Sriram. A post will be made in some days when this is complete.

After we have recruited, later on The Emperor's Guards will accept new members one by one and you will be privately tested.

The Emperor's Guards are sworn by oath to wear the same outfit. They also can not marry or change their rank to anything greater until their death or released by the Lord Commander or the Emperor / Empress.

GL ill try btw I forgot my old forums user (sadface) :C, Someone change my pass and ill apply

New User!
4 posts
Posted in [PW] Hiring More Brothers • 24th January 2016, 08:49 AM

Kara Kacket wrote on 21st January 2016 12:52 PM:
Hello, welcome back to the forums! I'm very glad to announce that the Watch is making progress and we are ready to hire more active brothers!

As some brothers are leaving and have gone inactive, we are looking for looking for more to replace those that have left us.

We are looking for brothers who:

Are of different timezones (PST & UK preferred)
Willing to have an open schedule (for events and meetings)
Have patience

Sorry I'm a rookie :C
Are mature

In order to become a brother, please apply below or send the link to your application below.

Remember when applying, you are committing to an agency which you must not say anything about. The only proper way to leave the Watch is through death or a pardon. (Pardons are rare and mean you could still be asked back into the Watch.)

Good luck to those applying.
Watch Manager

Timezone: EST

2. Always online, 24/7

3. I have patience but I get mad sometimes

4. I am mature with to do with everything on oldcp

New User!
4 posts
Posted in Welcome back to the DSGHQ Forums! • 24th January 2016, 08:46 AM

I never got my gold v.v

New User!
4 posts
Posted in Good luck! • 24th January 2016, 08:42 AM

Chase101 wrote on 24th January 2016 08:38 AM:
I wanted to say that all of the new mods out there will hopefully have fun with there job and do well! I might be a mod or part of the gang that works for Damen, but for now i hope your dreams as well as mine come true!
