why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in Another storytime! • 20th February 2016, 09:11 PM

So I saw other people put these up, and I just really wanted to make one.

I joined oldcp back in 2013. It has really been a long time. I had an account and I do not remember the login. But I LOVED it! i was an average 14ish year old. Well mostly anyways. In mid- 2014 I left, I just, well left! Life got really busy for my family. Finally in December 2015 I was playing poptropica and there was a chat and this person said do you play oldcp? I was like, uh I think I used to.... And that friend kinda brought me back! I made a new account and got going. It was weird to see how much had changed! I started going around one day. And thats when I met some of my BFFs! We were at /jr ava and people were hanging. We immediately clicked. I then had two new best friends. AyeItsAshley and HeyItsErin. We were together for like 2 weeks when disney shut oldcp down. I always checked the site to see if it had come back. Eventually it did. I spent the next couple days searching frantically for my two besties. I never did find them. Anyways soon I learned to chill with new people. I always was helping around the newbies. Teaching them the secrets of the island. one day I was at training and some random girl came up to me and said
"So whats your favorite song?" She said
"uhh. I dont have a favorite..." I replied.
"OK. well whats a song you LIKE? or have listened to recently?" She asked.
"Oh. um. I have never listened to music." I said. I saw a penguin move into the barrels by me. I ignored it. Figuring it was another weird penguin. LOL.
"Why dont you ever listen to music?" The girl I was talking to said.
"um. well. I am. deaf..." I said and walked away. I saw a penguin follow me. I recognized him as the uber popular mod Terry91. He said to me...
" I am too!" he said
Immediately a friendship was born. We both thought it was super cool that each other new ASL. I never really showed excitement but to me it was amazing. Then we learned we were the same age, and things just fell into place after that. We were really good friends and still are. And thats the story!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in queenblue got 12000 here • 20th February 2016, 08:56 PM

Oh wow. I am crying inside. This dog and so many others inspire me and keep me going. My friend Ashlynne died from cancer about 2 months ago. But she was always ambitious and living life to its fullest. This is such an inspiring thing I will be sharing it on my social media. #livelikeroo

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in Thanks for the memories -Zendaya • 20th February 2016, 08:51 PM

Great Story! Very inspiring. I WAS AT YOUR WEDDING. just wanted to say that..LOL.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in memory lane: storytime • 20th February 2016, 08:48 PM

Aww! Can I just say that reading things like this make my heart melt!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in This Feels like a dream • 20th February 2016, 08:46 PM

YAY!!!!!!!!! glad to have you back! PARTY ALL NIGHT! WOOT! OUR LONG LOST SISTER IS BACK! LOL.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in ~some digital art~ • 20th February 2016, 08:44 PM

Oh wow! That is AMAZING. I can hardly draw a frog, LOL. Man, my advice is USE YOUR TALENT. SHARE YOUR TALENT. Do whatever you can with it! Share it, enter into contests, really use it. Become famous if you want! Talent is something we have for sharing.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in OldCpNeverForgotten • 20th February 2016, 08:36 PM

I have one! Go and make new friends. Its the best thing EVER! find someone who shares your interests. You never know who you will find who is just like you!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in how do you do? • 20th February 2016, 08:33 PM

I met a 21 year old here once. Do not worry about your age! If you want act like you are twelve. This is a fun, loving, and supportive community. Do not abandon friends because you are "too old"!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in (Insert Creative Title Here) • 20th February 2016, 08:30 PM

LOL. This sounds like me.........are deenie and i..........TWINS?

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in OldCP Mod Hack [EASY] • 20th February 2016, 08:26 PM

You know her too!? davidtennant I mean. She is actually really chill. And XD.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in Mod App • 20th February 2016, 08:24 PM

Hey good luck! We sound EXACTLY alike! I will be submitting my application as soon as I get more rep. Good Luck on becoming mod!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in OldCP Big Update: The Real Old Club Penguin • 20th February 2016, 05:10 PM

I am excited! I think this will be really cool!

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in Royal Powers • 20th February 2016, 05:03 PM

Good post. So true.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in How do I become a member? • 20th February 2016, 04:44 PM

I wanna be able to send messages and stuff, I made an account. But how do I become a member? Sorry I havent been on forums for a LONG time.

why did i come back lol
136 posts
Posted in How to get to forums? • 20th February 2016, 03:55 PM

Basically, How do I get to forums?