Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Suggestion for Ranks • 13th March 2016, 10:43 PM

Dear Penguin and Staff,

I don't know if oldCP/Forums added this but if you get a rank like moderator and all those other ranks, then that user with a mod rank should get paid with gold and dingo dollars whenever they are active and they can spend their money for music and other stuff. Lastly, Im sorry this is a short post but I hope this qualifies as a good suggestion and soon be added on oldcp! :-)

Until Next Time, LForLeeX! :D

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in News for ME • 13th March 2016, 06:19 PM

xXAbigailXx wrote on 13th March 2016 04:26 PM:
Well I agree new users should get more help too.
I am sorry but whenever I look at posts that say make a ticket, they usually refer to if someone is bullying that user :I

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in News for ME • 13th March 2016, 03:42 PM

Megs Pines wrote on 13th March 2016 03:39 PM:
You stated that help tickets are only needed for receiving help related to these forums or OldCP, but your issue that you described in this discussion that you would like to receive help with has to do with these forums
and also help for the new users that recently joined because they would log off not knowing what to do in this forums

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Confession (READ PLEASE) • 13th March 2016, 03:24 PM

You did the right thing bro, sometimes people are probably like 7-10 and they say they are 16. I like people like you who tell the truth. Also nothing is wrong with that :-)

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in News for ME • 13th March 2016, 03:21 PM

Dear penguin/users,

BEFORE you say go make a ticket for help, I wanted to say that making tickets is only when you have problem with the forums or the game(OldCP), Lastly the new users on forums should get more gold on this forum. For example, I only joined yesterday and I made posts that people say are unnecessary. What Im trying to say is that we should have a better help system for the new users(Like Me) because I literally had no idea what to do when I first signed up. So I made posts about how I needed help for forums and Asked. New users would normally quit after they created their forums account because they wouldn't know what to do in this advance forum system. I really hope a staff member sees this so they will understand what is going on in this forum ._. Lol last thing to mention, they should make members not to dislike new users post because it's unfair to the users that just joined.

Until Next Time, LForLeeX :-)

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in people think im dumb D: • 13th March 2016, 03:13 PM

Maybe because your new Fam. Take some time on here. I can also tell your new and so am I. But just because you probably just join dont quit now <3

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Quick Discussion On The New Rule • 13th March 2016, 02:15 PM

CPManiac wrote on 13th March 2016 12:26 PM:
Here's my opinion on the new rule: I agree with the punishments given to those who abuse their powers, but what I feel is that these will almost never be enforced, or there will be a way to give them back their rank. Another thing is that some punishments are based on specific people. Damen doesn't want certain people to be demoted, so there's going to be a way around his own rules to make sure said people won't get demoted. I'm just saying, I've seen rules not be enforced before, and I bet we'll see that again.

Another thing is that I saw a lot of people on the discussion say one of two things. One was, "Great rule! I'm sure no ranked user would ever abuse their power, nor would I think they ever have!" I also saw, "Good rule! I'm positive this rule will make sure no one will abuse their power anymore." The thing is: ranked users still will abuse their powers! You can't deny it, and no punishment will stop them. The rule will not be enforced, and if it is, certain people will be excused from it! It is just like any other rule created in the DSGHQ; we're making users and ranks equal, yet some are always going to be more equal than the rest. They'll always have more leeway than the rest of us. If you don't know what leeway is, here's the dictionary definition: [an allowable margin of freedom or variation]

This isn't a rant about how unfair the DSGHQ is; it's about how uneven the new rule is. If you look at the discussion again, you'll see that the only true punishment is for Moderators. The other ranks basically get probation, but never demotion. You might say to me that Administrators could get demoted, but the post says "may be demoted". Yes, it could be seen that I look too much into things, but it's basically saying Administrators and other ranks are excused for whatever drama they might cause. Moderators seem to always get the worst of it; if the DSGHQ were a restaurant, they would be the permanent trainees or dish scrubbers. If one thing sets their boss off, they're out.

I might be seeing things differently than you do, so please tell you your feedback of what you think about the new rule. I want your honest opinion, not what you would say if you're trying to earn a rank. Don't worry! Nothing will happen to you if you tell your honest opinion, it's not like they can take that away from you too!
You are so right! Good job taking your time writing this because I always think about that! <3

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in HELP • 13th March 2016, 02:02 PM

Well, this sounds like a legit report and I hope you will know who it is real soon! GL

Until Next time, LForLeeX

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Mod App(Experienced) • 13th March 2016, 01:57 PM

Tave wrote on 13th March 2016 01:55 PM:
LForLeeX said on 13th March 2016 01:53 PM:
Tave said on 13th March 2016 01:51 PM:
LForLeeX said on 12th March 2016 09:39 PM:
Mod Application

. As always stay strong and positive!
From, LForLeeX
(P.S Thank you for taking your time reading my application (For the third time saying THANK YOU). Hope you have a good day/night! Until next time, L For Lee X!

This isn't really about mod. Plus you need to be member+ for mod app on Forums


Ok, I am sorry for yelling at you, to pay you back is to like your comment :-)

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Mod App(Experienced) • 13th March 2016, 01:53 PM

Tave wrote on 13th March 2016 01:51 PM:
LForLeeX said on 12th March 2016 09:39 PM:
Mod Application

. As always stay strong and positive!
From, LForLeeX
(P.S Thank you for taking your time reading my application (For the third time saying THANK YOU). Hope you have a good day/night! Until next time, L For Lee X!

This isn't really about mod. Plus you need to be member+ for mod app on Forums

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Mod App(Experienced) • 13th March 2016, 01:45 PM

SophieJasper wrote on 13th March 2016 01:43 PM:
LForLeeX said on 12th March 2016 09:39 PM:
Mod Application

. As always stay strong and positive!
From, LForLeeX
(P.S Thank you for taking your time reading my application (For the third time saying THANK YOU). Hope you have a good day/night! Until next time, L For Lee X!

I didn't mean to Dislike your post. I realized you a new member.
So only a little of my app showed? Because I wrote more ._.

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Mod App(Experienced) • 13th March 2016, 01:41 PM

xXAbigailXx wrote on 13th March 2016 01:25 PM:
Hi. I see your new try and not making applications until you reach member on here. If you want to know how to be member get 40 likes in total. Then you can and also stay on here longer and slowly you will get a rank. what you should add is




How long have you been on DSGHQ?:

Why do you want this rank?:

Desired rank:

IK! Your like the one hundredth person to tell me that, Im trying to delete this topic so I dont need to hear the same old comments. And also Im new so thanks for the help anyways :I

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Everyone is dead, Who isnt? • 13th March 2016, 01:08 PM

Ultimate Math wrote on 13th March 2016 09:20 AM:
LForLeeX said on 12th March 2016 11:21 PM:
Okay, that was an unncessary post but, oh well

Hey, i dont always to posts that mean something about forums, its a fun thing were its hard to answer but, get what i mean? lol
Ok, you have a point :p

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in About LForLeeX • 13th March 2016, 03:46 AM

Lily1117 wrote on 13th March 2016 03:43 AM:
LForLeeX said on 12th March 2016 09:15 PM:
Hi everyone, its Lee! I'm currently really new to this community and I will sure get along with everyone on this amazing foruma, and oldcp! I think we should have a disney room because Believe it or not DISNEY actually created CP! Anyways we should have all time disney room!

Until next time, LFor LeeX

P.S I hope this suggestion will work out and have a wonderful day!

Hi LforLeeX! Welcome to the DSGHQ Community! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make sure to read the rules! http://damenspike.com/view/161 and also make sure to read this tutorial for forums! http://damenspike.com/view/38414/ . If you have any questions or concerns, just ask me or a staff member!
I know that already but thanks for your help

Disney Fan
29 posts
Posted in Apology Post • 13th March 2016, 03:44 AM

I hope a staff sees this post and unbans you. this apology letter is legit! I hope to see you around soon on oldCP! <3