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11 posts
Posted in [P2] || The Truth • 20th March 2020, 04:06 PM

Hey Scott!
Wow, I must admit that I never saw this coming. But I still and always will look up to you. I'm proud of you for this because many people probably would have just continued to lie about it until they quit and nobody would ever know the truth. You're brave and I respect you SO MUCH. Thank you for always being there when I needed advice. You were the one who always pushed me in the right direction and proved to me that I could achieve the things I wished to achieve in this community. If it weren't for you and the PW, I would have quit a long time ago. Being a PWC and working alongside you and the other PWC for almost a year was an amazing experience that I will always cherish moving forward. It taught me leadership skills that I probably would have never learned if it weren't for you. I am so glad that you are finally able to be the full version of yourself. Thank you for being you. Once a brother always a brother.


11 posts
Posted in iOldCPv2 • 23rd November 2019, 12:46 AM

I thought we already acknowledged the fact that it never works out when there are 2 games that are both running 24/7. Last time iOldCP was up, OldCP died completely. There are a lot of users on OldCP who have worked hard and put in a lot of time for the ranks they have, and those are basically thrown away when iOldCP reopens, because not everyone who has worked for a rank in OldCP is going to get a rank in iOldCP. There is still potential in OldCP.. We just have to actually put in the time and effort.

11 posts
Posted in My Perspective • 21st October 2019, 04:16 PM


Thank you so much for everything you have done for all of us. I'm so glad that I got the privilege to know you. You have helped all of us in so many different ways. I am so grateful that I was able to take part in the Penguin Watch for so long. After my demotion, I'm not as upset as I thought I would be, because I'm just extremely glad that I was given the opportunity to be part of this amazing organization. I remember the day I joined like it was yesterday. The first thing that was said to me was "Welcome to the place where Team watches you while you sleep". What a great memory. Honestly, I never thought that I would ever get this far. I met so many amazing people along the way, and I think we can all agree that the bonds that were made among the Penguin Watch were different than any other. Although I definitely miss the days of coming home from school and talking to everyone all day just laughing and having fun, the Penguin Watch truly did have a great run. It impacted me, and many others in so many different ways. Thank you for being such an amazing, sweet, and caring leader for all of us. Although the journey may be over, I will never forget all of the memories, endless laughs, and most importantly, the people I have met through the group.

Thanks for an amazing year.

11 posts
Posted in An explanation behind the Penguin Watch team • 20th October 2019, 09:07 PM

I think that anyone who has worked in the PW as any rank can agree with this. The PW has been called "useless" for a very long time. Even when we were all clocking 24+ hours. For heavens sakes most of us were 72+ hours, but we were still "useless". We did everything we could do, did our job, but we were still "useless". But when you think about it, being a PW is completely a secret, so if nobody thought we were doing anything, well... that was the point lol. Either way, the Penguin Watch has had a bad reputation for a very long time, and if you have never worked in or with the PW, you have no right to say what we have and have not done, because you have no idea what we do behind the scenes. Even when the Captains weren't online, a lot of times we were still doing other PW related things. It doesn't make sense if you think about it because if the Penguin Watch is going to be gone in 2020, why not just let the PWC stay until then? Makes no sense.

11 posts
Posted in An explanation behind the Penguin Watch team • 20th October 2019, 08:34 PM

How bold of him to think we don't have lives beyond OldCP.

11 posts
Posted in quitting • 7th April 2019, 10:20 PM

ilysm bff im gonna miss our vc's at 2 AM and how weird we could be haha <3

11 posts
Posted in Appreciation post • 19th March 2019, 01:09 AM

I love you Malorieeee! I'm so glad that I met you. You're literally one of my favorite people to talk to. I hope we keep in contact for a long time. <3

11 posts
Posted in Phishing • 13th March 2019, 03:10 PM

Oh wow. Thanks for letting everyone know about that.

11 posts
Posted in Damen diss track 2 • 13th March 2019, 02:02 PM

SKSKSK pretty litty lmao

11 posts
Posted in what forums has taught me • 13th March 2019, 12:23 AM

Wowowow beautiful seb lmao

11 posts
Posted in All I really want to do is be with you. • 12th March 2019, 11:45 PM

Oh?.. Lmao