Zaline's Posts

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1 posts
Posted in Secret/custom rooms and stuff • 10th June 2019, 04:41 PM

Allright.. So i'm fairly new to OldCp(and this forum site for that matter) and i have a looooooot of questions. I am not at all familiar with the level of secrecy surrounding certain legends and house-secrets, so my apologies if my questions cross any sort of line. First of all, the work people has put in to OldCp and its community is amazing, and i highly applaud it. Okay, let us get into the matter at hand; WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE SECRET AND CUSTOM ROOMS? I have been trying to explore them all, but more and more new rooms show up all the time. Is there a place(besides the library) where there is a list of the secret rooms and how to access them, or is it meant to be a secret?
I recently stumbled upon the north cave og the golden gate-thingy, and i became rather curious as to what hides behind those gates - is there a room beyond. or is it meant to remain a mystery to the peasants and common-folk of OldCP?
Last of all, i would like to become a part of this community, more so than i am now(almost not involved at all) and i was wondering how i could immerse myself further into this complex universe of yours, since it all seems rather overwhelming for a newbie like myself.
I hope my post isn't in anyway breaking some rules, but i hope to learn more about those as i explore more of this community!

- Zaline