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6 posts
Posted in Lil Khal Konfession • 11th February 2021, 05:37 PM

proud of you for telling the truth it isn't easy but its def worth it!

6 posts
Posted in an unfortunate divide • 10th February 2021, 11:05 AM

pure facts this post was most def needed

6 posts
Posted in the truth (DONT TAKE THIS DOWN) • 2nd January 2021, 11:20 PM

Lyss wrote on 2nd January 2021, 10:30 PM:
i don't know why cardiac's discussion was taken down but i'm gonna do this on my account so feel free to ban me if you think its "impersonation."
cardiac is not a male nor a person named "joseph." cardiac is a female. she came out to me awhile after we broke up and before anyone gives me any hate, know that i am 100% aware considering we met in person recently. i've had my fair share of tears and hurt because of her, but i do believe in second chances and as her best friend of almost 3 years, i'm willing to watch her grow from this since it's the new year. she's done more for me than anyone ever has.
she made a discussion not even 10 minutes ago expressing how badly she regrets lying to those whom it may concern so please find it in your heart not to take this down, she wants the truth to be known. thanks. if you have any questions for her, feel free to dm her; cardiac#8463

thank you lyss, ill always be forever thankful for you. i love you deeply<3

6 posts
Posted in the truth (DONT TAKE THIS DOWN) • 2nd January 2021, 10:46 PM

Sleddy wrote on 2nd January 2021, 10:31 PM:
sorry theres another person named Joseph in this community and we thought someone impersonated him

hey sled, i literally specified my oldcp username and quoted the "joseph" in my discussion. it also literally said cardiac in my username. understand that more than one person can have the same name, thanks anyways.