590 posts
Posted in penguin isles • 11th January 2014, 02:30 PM

Yeha im worried too we need to know if Damen dose'nt want to or gives up

590 posts
Posted in People Crashing CPEmu • 11th January 2014, 01:36 PM

Guys you tae away the ] in blue i did that and it works (sorry for the short post)

590 posts
Posted in Penguin Isles • 11th January 2014, 01:12 PM

I know and i cant wait but why is'nt it out yet? Sorry for the short post.

590 posts
Posted in Penguin Isles • 11th January 2014, 01:03 PM

HEY guys PINGUIN ISLES is OUT yay finnaly in all of Damens work I CANT BELVE IT everyone is exited!

590 posts
Posted in Crack The Code & Get a Prize • 11th January 2014, 10:55 AM

Congratulations you solved my puzzle! Since you have such a focused and brilliant mind you get to be a mediator on the forums for puppy town when it comes out. Congrats on your accomplishment! :D FINALLY!!!1
You spammed why do you even do this it is anaceptable it is'nt even your diaacusion lease think before you post thank you.

590 posts
Posted in Dear Damen • 11th January 2014, 10:14 AM

Oh sorry for this post i do appoligize,

590 posts
Posted in Dear Damen • 11th January 2014, 10:09 AM

Hi Damen i did an earlier post and it was about my cp called BackonCPPS ( can you please help me with the sign in button,join, and the cp Luke has already got some rooms and ice got half of the website done not the game the website :/ So please can you help me thanks. ~Backon

590 posts
Posted in GLITCH • 11th January 2014, 09:05 AM

Hey guys i just realized something there is a glich and it only happends to Damen take a look:

590 posts
Posted in Today is the Day! • 11th January 2014, 08:17 AM

Im so exitede have you seen if you have thats fine.

590 posts
Posted in Thank you for everything Damen. • 11th January 2014, 07:57 AM

Well guys, I know my 6 month celebration was a few months ago but I would still like to thank each and everyone of you guys for all of the things you guys have taught me! I have made a list of everybody I would like to thank and then I will talk more afterwards.

I would like to thank Damen for making OldCP and for me being here today, I would like to also thank my first 5 friends on OldCP Damen, Bacon, Journey, Fizz, and Brndav. I would like to thank everybody that was on the Free hawks for motivating me both times I was in the Mod comp finals, I would like to thank Sadie for teaching me how to be more positive, I would like to thank the twin moderator detectives (PenguinDSC & CPManiac) for being extremely friendly to me when I was sad or in a bad mood.

Let's move on to my history. When I first started off OldCP my name was not Key123, it was Mkeyg1. Unfortunately my username got deleted so I came up with Key123 (best decision ever). So then about 3 weeks later the 1st mod comp started! Believe it or not I won the first task of the 1st ever mod comp ever! I wasn't with the Free hawks either. I made a team called the Black Hoodies but then once I heard that journey made the Free hawks I decided to quit the Black Hoodies and join Freehawks. After that I met Ghost and Cyber. They were very nice to me and they are the people who taught me who and what mods did. Then in September, the mod comp finals actually, I met Name and Nintendo in the finals and it was really cool even though I lost, I was glad that my new friend got the mod position, then less than a week later Name became a mod also! I felt so glad that my friends were becoming mods because I felt they really deserved it. Anyway on to the next mod comp. On day 1 before the comp I had a pep-talk with the team and my words of wisdom worked for day 1! Our team won day 1 and Nintendo and I won individuals for day 1. Now skipping to day 4, my team was going against the Pink Hoodies inside a fishing business and unfortunately my team did lose but Taken chose me to go to the Pink Hoodies, and before I knew it I was in the finals once again. I said to my team that I would try my best to win this for them but I fell short just by a little bit but that is when I became friends with Pie Guy. He did a great job and deserved it!

That is leading up to this point in time. This is only half of everything that Damen has done to help me out in all of the things that me and OldCP have been through. Honestly there were so many memories left behind in OldCP that will never be forgotten for as long as I am here so again thank you Damen for the creation that was OldCP and will be Penguin Isles. So R.I.P OldCP and long live Penguin Isles!
It is very niceof you to post this Key123 and yes Damen has been very kind and helps us and uses his time for him and others to go on his site another Big Thank You To Damen!!!

590 posts
Posted in RIP Snailschat • 11th January 2014, 07:53 AM

Don't worry! A bigger and better thing is coming! Penguin Isles is honestly better than Snail's Chat. When it comes out and you see it, you will know what I am talking about :)
Yep Key123 is right Penguin Isles is gonna be WAY better but snailschat was honestly fun i also miss it! :(

590 posts
Posted in Please help me. • 11th January 2014, 07:43 AM

I think its about time to send you helpers the link to EDIT are cp i'll mail you from the first one ON!

590 posts
Posted in Please help me. • 11th January 2014, 07:27 AM

I will help, I'm good at making custom rooms ;) ~Luke
Oh thats really good thank you for offering added. :)

590 posts
Posted in Pi Party! • 11th January 2014, 05:00 AM

Please may i be a person im gonna come thanks, Backon.

590 posts
Posted in Please help me. • 11th January 2014, 04:21 AM

I will help! :)