t0mdawg's Posts

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Posted in Forums Ban Appeal • 7th February 2021, 01:09 PM

Since one of the community administrators can't take the time to add me on discord to discuss my ban on here, I'm gonna have to make this post to give my input on why my recent ban was unfair. I was banned under the reason 'spam disliking', which as you know is when 3 posts (the limit) are disliked one after the other. In the last 4 days, I have disliked 2 of someone's posts and have been banned under this reason for an act I didn't even carry out. I was falsely banned for the same reason last week as well, in which Terry removed the ban shortly after and the staff said they wouldn't take this approach again unless I actually spam disliked, which as I already pointed out would be if I disliked over 3 posts inside of 24 hours. Another thing I'd like to point out is that Sriram received so many dislikes for his raps and no one ever took any action and none of y'all can argue that this isn't double standards.

I'd like to be unbanned, and given a second apology for this clearly false ban. Thanks to Eiven for trying to resolve the issue already but it's not gonna be fixed due to someone's personal grudges against me.
