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2 posts
Posted in A Small Rant • 17th August 2021, 10:01 AM

This is not about how good an administrator or person she is, it is about her order that has had problems especially with those who surround her and manipulate her. We agree with her actions as empress but her movement does not contribute to peace and little by little she She corrupts (although there is no doubt that she is one of the best administrators and people in the game) many times she has anger and she takes off with the rest sometimes she does bad things but that's life, isn't it?
We protest against the solaris order because it did not enter justly, if damen was emperor 7 years in p3d only 2
but she and flame betrayed their leader for power that is not honorable when rouge enters the empire in a fair way I will applaud him and recognize solaris as the fairest house of all and first they are bloody Let rouge come to power fairly and I'll finally be at peace, rouge has cheated all kinds of lay tricks, without loyalty without honor without morals, that's why I do not agree with those actions, everything to maintain his empire When rouge also stops doing those things, I will applaud the genete, they betray her like she betrayed some, it seems that we are all at hand, let's see what happens and I congratulate you for the post
You explained things clearly as I explain them to you now

2 posts
Posted in Solaris Scum • 16th August 2021, 06:34 PM

Solaris is currupt they just want the infernal scum power lol solaris will lose all islands JAJAJAJA