Teagenius001's Posts

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5 posts
Posted in Unable to connect to Server • 27th January 2022, 07:57 PM

Hi everyone, I've found that I am unable to connect to this game's servers (Penguin 3d) at my home wifi, however I am able to seamlessly connect from the wifi at school . I have fiber internet and don't have any problems with any other games I play on any devices. Can someone please inform me as to what the solution is for this issue which seems like a bug given how I can get online from my school's wifi.

Thank you for your time.

added (1/27/22)

5 posts
Posted in CLUB PENGUIN ISLAND IN 2022 • 25th January 2022, 02:34 PM

What does the Developer Window look like?

5 posts
Posted in Server Issue • 24th January 2022, 01:30 PM

tashaistired wrote on 24th January 2022, 10:33 AM:
The OldCp servers are pretty rough. Sometimes it takes a while to get on. Maybe try clearing your cache or try relogging a few times.

Thank you for your reply

5 posts
Posted in Server Issue • 24th January 2022, 08:19 AM

Hi everyone, I've always loved playing oldcp and I'm so happy I finally was able to login. At my house I keep getting an unable to connect to server for the past 3 days EST and I don't know if my wifi at home has the port blocked or not, can someone who works in that department tell me if the issue is on my end or someone else's? I greatly appreciate it! In addition, Police Bob, you probably will never see this but if I ever see you again I'm so glad to have met you on old cp!

5 posts
Posted in Can't join servers on oldcp • 23rd January 2022, 08:37 AM

I'm having this issue too for the past three days, I know my account isn't banned or anything cause otherwise I wouldn't be able to login. I'm on windows so I used the windows Setup.exe, I think the issue may be server side. If not can someone please troubleshoot with me?

Thank you so much!!