Treble's Posts

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3 posts
Posted in Snaildom • 8th February 2022, 08:46 PM

Sup everyone I'm back again for a second post

I was wondering is anyone used the game snaildom (Pronounced snile-don) since I was browsing through the forums and saw no discussions on that

I think that I should play Snail dom sometime to get to know the game and to know you all :D

3 posts
Posted in Treble • 7th February 2022, 11:20 PM

Why does it say discussion awaiting approval this is so mean

3 posts
Posted in Treble • 7th February 2022, 11:16 PM

Sup my names Danny Duberstein but I go by Treble. A little about me:

- I brings the ruckus to the ladies
- I don't eat watermelons infront of white people (this is a stigma we need to get rid of in our society)
- I like music (treble) but I hate bass
- I had Groats disease, a debilitating disease at one point but promptly recovered! (thank Gd)

Thats about it, I wanna get more involved in the crimes in the zones or whatever it is and hope to brings the ruckus to all the ladies of this community